Okta - SAML

Okta - SAML

To setup an Okta account

  1. Log in to your Okta account. 
  2. Click the Applications from left tab and select Applications
  3. Click Add Application. 
  4. Click Create New App.
  5. Select Web from the Platform drop-down list.
  6. Click the SAML 2.0 radio button. 
  7. Click Create.
  8. Provide an App name. You can also upload an App logo.
  9. Select the desired App visibility,  and then click Next.
  10. In General under Configure SAML, provide Single sign on URL. This which is the ACS URL on the Zoho Sites SAML pPage.
  11. Provide Audience URI (Entity ID), which is available from the Zoho Sites SAML Page.
  12. Enter the Default Relay State.
  13. Enter the Name ID format as EmailAddress from the drop-down. 
  14. Set Application username as Okta username from the drop-down.
  15. Set Update Application username on as Create and Update by default.
  16. Click Next towards the bottom of the page.
  17. Under the Feedback tab, select the appropriate options. Click Finish.

Your App has been set up. The Sign On section of your newly created application will appears. Click View Setup Instructions to open and it opens a new window with the IdP settings.

  1. Copy Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL and paste as Login URL and Change Password URL Zoho Site SAML Page.
  2. Copy the Identity Provider Issuer and paste it into the Logout URL field in the Zoho Sites SAML page.
  3. Download the X.509 Certificate and save it. 
  4. UThen upload the file using the Get the public key link in the Zoho Sites SAML page.

To approve Users

Select the users to whom you wish to give access to the SAML-enabled Help Center. To do this:

  1. Click the Applications tab and select your newly created application on Okta.
  2. Click on the Assignments section of the application.
  3. Click Assign, and then select Assign to People.
  4. In the pop-up window, type your username into the search box, and then click Assign next to your username.
    Note: Repeat this step to add more users.
  5. Click Done once completed.

Now you must select the users to whom you wish to give access to the SAML-enabled Help Center. To do this:

Enter: https://YOUR_OKTA_DOMAIN/login/signout?fromURI=YOUR_DOMAIN as the log out URL.

where YOUR_DOMAIN : the domain of your website

Access your Okta administrator account, then security> API> Trusted Origins: Add your domain 

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