Migrating from HubSpot to Zoho CRM

Migrating from HubSpot to Zoho CRM

Migration from HubSpot to Zoho CRM is carried out using APIs and Instance URLs only. You can initiate the migration by entering the API key. The entire migration will take place in the backend and you will be sent an email notification once its completed. You can undo or rerun the migration 3 times. 

To generate the API token
  1. Log into your HubSpot account.

  2. Click Account Name on the top right corner and select Integrations.

  3. Click API Key.

  4. Click Generate API key, if you have never generated an API key.

  5. Click Copy

If you have already generated the API key, click Show key and Copy.

To migrate data from HubSpot

  1. Log in to Zoho CRM with Administrator privileges.
  2. Go to Setup > Data Administration > Import.
  3. In the Data Migration page, choose HubSpot.
  4. Enter the Instance URL and the API Token.
  5. Click Migrate Now.
    You will be notified when the migration is complete via a pop-up and an email.
  • You can undo or rerun the migration only 3 times.
  • Tags can be migrated from your file into CRM.
  1. If a record has more than 10 tags, only the first ten tags will be migrated.
  2. Each tag can have a maximum of 25 characters.
  • Then data migration will be paused if more than 5000 records in a module are skipped during the migration. You will have the option to discard the migration or continue. Zoho CRM will also inform you for each module if more than 5,000 records are skipped.
  • You can undo the data migration from Import HistorySee Also Viewing Import History

Check for Data Accuracy

After the data is migrated you will be notified through an email. Kindly check if the files are imported correctly into the Zoho CRM account by visiting the Import History (Setup > Data Administration > Import Import History). Read more about Import history.

If you are not satisfied with the import or field mapping results, you can delete the imported records and re-import. 


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