Manage emails

Manage emails

Email is a popular mode of communication preferred by most businesses. With the help of the 'Emails' tab in the record details page, sales reps no longer have to switch between their Bigin app and email app to check emails from their customers. They can send and reply to emails from the record details page which also displays the communication carried out with the customer so far. 
You can view the outgoing emails sent from Bigin right away on the mobile app. However, in order to view incoming email you need to configure your email account on the web app .  
To configure your email account 
  1. Log in to your Bigin account. 
  2. Go to Setup Email 
    Choose one from the popular email services.
  3. Enter Username, Email Address, Password and click Continue 
  4. Click Server Details to view the Incoming and Outgoing server details. 
    This is automatically filled up for you.
  5. Choose Email Sharing Permissions. 
    You can choose from: 
    Private - Conversation with your customers will be visible only to you. 
    Public - Anyone can view the conversation.
  6. Click Save 
Sending email to contacts 
  1. Go to the Contacts module and open the desired record. 
  2. Click the Mail icon. 
    Alternatively, you can also click the Email address of the contact. 
  3. Enter the subject and body of the email. You can also access the email templates by clicking on the template icon. 

  4. Click Send 
View emails from contacts 
  1. Go to the Contacts module and open the desired record. 
  2. Click the Email tab >  Click the Email Filter icon.  
  3. Choose the email type. 
  4. Click Done 
  5. Select the email you want to open > Click the reply icon to respond to the email. 

  1. Emails cannot be sent to the records in the Companies/Deals module. However, the email communication with the associated Contacts of the Company/Deal can be viewed from the Emails related list. 
  2. When you click the Email address listed anywhere else in the record other than the email field and the email icon, it will open up the default mail app composer instead of the Bigin email composer.  
  3. Attachment size cannot exceed 3 MB. The user can select a maximum of 10 attachments per email and the overall size should not exceed 10MB/email. 
  4. Click ' To ' to view 'Cc' and 'Bcc' fields. Click ' From ' to switch between user/org email. 

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