Manage Contacts - New Version

Manage Contacts - New Version

You can import contacts from various sources such as excel sheets, CSV files and Google spreadsheets and manage them by maintaining the contacts under mailing lists. You can view the contact history to check the number of sent campaigns for a specific contact and the history of that contact pertaining to different lists.

Add contact

You can add contact and associate it to a mailing list, manually. Apart from basic details, you can also store additional information.
To add contact:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
    all contacts
  2. Choose Add Contacts, and then click Contact from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the basic details required in the given box.
  4. You can also add Custom Fields, More Details and Account Information by clicking related links. 
    add single contact
  5. Associate the contacts to a mailing list by selecting the lists.
  6. Give the source of contact.
  7. Add Subscription type.
    select subscription type
  8. Associate contacts with the relevant topics. Click add.
Note: Email address is a mandatory field.

Add multiple contacts

This is a quick option where you can add a maximum of 20 contacts and associate to a list.
To add multiple contacts:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts -> Add.
  2. Choose Add Contacts, and then click Multiple Contacts from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter email addresses in each box. Alternately, if you want to add only email addresses, switch to Email address only box. Press Enter key to separate the email addresses from each other.
  4. Associate contacts to a mailing list by selecting the lists.
  5. You can also create a new mailing list by clicking the link Add Mailing List to add the contacts to new mailing list.
  6. Give the source of contact.
  7. Add Subscription type.
  8. Associate contacts with the relevant topics. Click add
    add multiple contacts
  1. You can add contacts to the maximum of 20 email addresses.
  2. If you want to import high volume of contacts i.e. more than 20 contacts, we recommend you to make use of Import Contacts option.

Filter contacts based on criteria

In All Contacts, you can view the list of contacts present in your organization. You can also sort contacts by filtering them based on certain criteria. We’ll take a look at the different ways to view contacts based on filtering system.
To filter contacts based on criteria:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
  2. In All Contacts page, you can find the filter icon present on top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Click the Filter icon and choose how you want to filter contacts.
  4. Click Apply.

Contact status

Contacts can be classified under different views based on their status. Contact status describes important aspects of a contact like when they were added to Zoho Campaigns, their subscription type, and if they are bounced or blocked.
The contact status types are listed below:
  1. Marketing contacts - These contacts are ready to receive email campaigns and they have shown their interest in receiving email campaigns or expressed explicit consent to receive campaigns.
  2. Unsubscribed contacts - These contacts have either unsubscribed or have communicated to you that they don't want to receive email campaigns anymore. You can also add individual contacts to the Unsubscribed registry. 
  3. Bounced contacts - These contacts are classified as bounced if emails cannot be delivered to those contacts or if their email address does not exist.
  4. Blocked contacts -  These contacts are possible spam contacts. Such contacts are filtered by Zoho Campaigns moderation team and are classified as blocked contacts.
  5. Added in last thirty days - These contacts were added to your Zoho Campaigns within the last month.
  6. Added in last seven days -  These contacts were added to your Zoho Campaigns within the last week.
  7. Non-marketing contacts - These contacts will not receive any marketing-related communication. Adding these contacts will not be reflected in your subscription plan.

Sort contacts based on contact status

In All Contacts, you can view the list of contacts present in your organization. You can also sort contacts by filtering them based on the contact status. We’ll take a look at the different views of contacts classified based on their current status
To sort contacts based on contact status:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
  2. In All Contacts page, you can find the contact status dropdown present on top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Click the required status to display contacts in that view.
    contact status dropdown

Delete contacts

To delete contacts:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
  2. Select the email address, you wish to delete.
  3. Click the Delete icon present on left corner of the screen.
    delete icon
  4. This will prompt a message to confirm that you want to delete the subscriber.
  5. Click Go Ahead.
You can also delete all contacts from a specific view.
  1. In the All Contacts page, filter out and view the contacts of your choice.
  2. Click Select all contacts matching the current view
  3. Click the Delete icon to delete the selected contacts.
If there are too many contacts to be deleted, the deletion process will take some time and you cannot delete any contact from that view until the deletion gets over.

Sort Contacts

To sort contacts:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
  2. Click on Sort icon present next to Contact Email.
    sort icon
  3. Choose how you want to sort (ascending or descending) the contacts.

Associate topics with existing contacts

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, click Contacts.
  2. Click All Contacts.
  3. Select the necessary contacts.
  4. Click Assign Topics.
    assign topics

  5. Select the topics to be associated with the selected contacts and click Save.assign topics popup

Move unsubscribed contacts to all contacts

You can retrieve/reactivate contacts that were moved to unsubscribed registry by you. To reactivate contacts that were moved to unsubscribed registry:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
  2. Select the drop down at the top-left and choose Unsubscribed contacts.
  3. In the "Filter by" drop down, choose Users to filter contacts that were moved to this list by the users.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. This will list down the contacts moved to Unsubscribed contacts list by different users.
  6. Select the email addresses that you wish to move back to your mailing lists.
  7. Click on Change Subscription Type icon present on left-corner of the screen.
  8. Select Marketing in Subscription type drop down.
  9. Click Change.

Export Contacts

You can export contacts in any format so that it provides a backup for your database. Apart from this, if you’ve sent a campaign to a mailing list, you can easily track the active contacts.
To export the contacts:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
  2. Click More and select Export Contacts in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. In Export Contacts page, do the following:
    1. Export – Choose the type of contacts to be exported.
    2. Added by – select the users whose contacts you’d like to export.
    3. Filter by Date – Select a time to export contacts based on activity
    4. Arrange by – Opt on how you want to arrange the contacts.
    5. Select fields to be exported – Select the checkbox fields to include additional information.
    6. File Name – Give a name to the file to be exported.
    7. Click the format (CSV, TSV, XLS, JSON, etc.); you want to export the file.
  4. Click Export.

Import to Unsubscribed contacts Registry

To import contacts to “Unsubscribed contacts” registry:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
  2. Click More and select Import to Unsubscribed contacts in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Click Go-Ahead in the Unsubscribed contacts popup.
  4. Choose a .csv or an excel file by clicking and dragging the file to the specified space.
  5. Click Next.
    import to do not mail
  6. Once you've uploaded your file, it is time to map the column headers to the fields in the mailing list. If you find a field to be irrelevant, you can skip it.
  7. Check the transfer active contacts to "Unsubscribed contacts" checkbox.
  8. Click Import.
You can also add individual contacts to the Unsubscribed registry. There can be scenarios, when your contacts have personally contacted you asking to stop sending emails rather than unsubscribing. In such scenarios, you can move those specific contacts to this registry instead of importing. You can add a maximum of 20 contacts to this registry. To add contacts to this list:
  1. In the All Contacts page, check the box corresponding to the contact whom you want to move to Unsubscribed registry.
  2. Click the Mark as Unsubscribed icon.
  3. In the popup that follows, confirm the action.

Import History

The Import overview page contains all of your imported contacts' details. You can view a generated report on your contacts after the import is complete. Zoho Campaigns makes it easy to view the entire history of imported contacts in a single step.
To view the import history:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
  2. Click More and select Import Overview in the top-right corner.
  3. In the Import Overview page, you can view the number of newly added contacts, duplicate contacts, and ignored contacts. Just click one of the numbers to view the related contact details.
    import overview

Export contacts from Import overview

You can export specific category of contacts that you have imported. E.g. If you have imported 200 contacts out of which 100 are newly added and 100 are not added(ignored due to some reasons). You want to export only the newly added 100 contacts.

To export such contacts:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
  2. Click More and select Import Overview in the top-right corner.
  3. In the Import Overview page, you can view the number of newly added contacts, duplicate contacts, and ignored contacts. Click one of the numbers to view the related contact details.
  4. Click Export.
    export ignored contacts popup

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