You can easily add a live chat and visitor tracking feature to your Magento store through Zoho SalesIQ. Engage with prospects on your online store through proactive chat and close more deals. Build lasting relationship with your customers by delivering legendary customer service through live chat.
Getting your Zoho SalesIQ Code Snippet
- Login to your Zoho SalesIQ Operator console.
- Navigate to Settings -> Websites, click on the name of the website you are attempting to include in a page.
- Select Live Chat. In the Installation section, click Copy this code to copy the code snippet.
Installation of Zoho SalesIQ in Magento Version 1.x through plugin
- First, download the Magento version 1.x Zip file from here .
- Then, extract the Zip file and paste it in your root directory.
- Log into your Magento admin page.
- Click on the "System" tab then select " Configuration" from the drop down.
- Chat window – This configuration allows you to handle the visibility of chat bubble in your Magento store.
- Include in – Select the pages, which you would like to display the chat window. If All Pages is selected, the chat window is displayed throughout the site.
- Quick Chat Button - If enabled, a Quick Chat Button is added above "Add to Cart" button in product pages.
Magento Installation through admin page
- Log on to your admin panel.
- Click at "System" then select "Configuration" from the drop down.
- Go to "General" in the left side bar below "Configuration" and click at "Design"
- On the "Design" section, click over the “Footer".
- Paste your Zoho SalesIQ code inside “Miscellaneous HTML” box and click “save config”
Install the Zoho SalesIQ extension in Magento Version 2.x
- To install and add the Zoho SalesIQ chat widget to your Magento, do the following.
- First, download the Magento version 2.x Zip file from here .
- Then, extract the Zip, goto salesiq-2.x/Zoho folder, copy it and paste into magento Rootdirectory/app/code/ folder.
- Next, go to the Magento root directory on your server and enter the following commands:
- php bin/magento module:enable Zoho_Salesiq
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- php bin/magento cache:clean
- Log into the admin section of your Magento site: eg
- In "Stores", select "Configuration" below Settings.
- Go to "Zoho SalesIQ Extensions" and click "SalesIQ".
- Paste your Zoho SalesIQ code snippet in the text area given and click "Save Config". How to Get Zoho SalesIQ Chat Widget Code?
- Now have your Zoho SalesIQ installed in Magento.
- After Clicking 'Save Config', click System -> Cache Management -> Flush Magento Cache.
- By default your Zoho SalesIQ will be Enabled in Magento or you can click on "Advanced" on the left side and then click the Enable/Disable option from the drop-down next to Zoho_Salesiq. Note: This step is applicable upto Magento version 2.2.