Live Chat integration with Woopra

Live Chat integration with Woopra

Integrate Zoho SalesIQ with Woopra and track your live chat operations more effectively with leading real-time web analytics. Get your live chat events updated instantly and target your customers with the most comprehensive, information.

Once you have pasted the Zoho SalesIQ script into your webpages, the script will automatically detect the Woopra code available in your website. If everything is in place, Zoho SalesIQ will start reporting events to your Woopra automatically. All you have do is enable Woopra in the embed settings.

Setting up Zoho SalesIQ with Woopra

Once you have pasted the Zoho SalesIQ code into your website follow the below instruction to enable the integration and to push your live chat events data to your Woopra dashboard.

  • Login to your Zoho SalesIQ.
  • Go to Settings > Integrations, under Analytics select Woopra.

  • Click Add on the top right corner.

  • Under Woopra configuration, the Active and Inactive Brands will be listed.
  • You can toggle the switch to enable Woopra for that Brand (Website).

What are the events tracked in Woopra?

Button Clicked
Number of clicks on the Zoho SalesIQ chat button.
Chat Closed
Number of clicks on the Close (X) icon in the chat window.
Chat Minimized
Number of clicks to minimize the Zoho SalesIQ chat window.
Bubble Closed
Number of clicks on the Close(X) icon on the chat bubble.
Chat Connected
Number of chat sessions with the visitors.
Chat Ended
Number of chats ended by the visitors.
File Transferred
Number of file transfers made by the visitors.
Chat Printed
Number of chat transcripts printed by the visitors.
Chat Mail Sent
Number of chat transcripts emailed by the visitor.
Rating submitted
Number of ratings submitted by visitors.
Feedback submitted
Number of feedback messages submitted by visitors.
Chat Triggered
Number of auto and proactive chat initiated to the visitors.
Chat Initiated
Number of visitor initiated chats.
Offline Message Submitted
Number of offline messages submitted by the visitors.
Chat Missed
Number of chats missed by the SalesIQ users.
Chat Ended by visitor
Number of chats ended by the visitors.

Accessing your Zoho SalesIQ live chat visitor events in Woopra.

  • Log in to your “Woopra” account.
  • Click “People”, and select the visitor, which you would like to see the events.
  • Now you will be displayed with the list of visitor profile activity and the current events performed.

How to see the live chat events in real time in my Woopra reports?

  • Log in to your “Woopra” account.
  • Click on the “Reports” tab, and then go to “Overview” section.
  • Now select the “Custom events” from the list.
  • You will be displayed with all the events in graphical and tabular from choose the filters to have a customization of your own.

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