Integrating Zoho CRM account with Zoho SalesIQ

Integrating Zoho CRM account with Zoho SalesIQ


What is Zoho CRM?

Zoho CRM acts as a single repository to bring your sales, marketing, and customer support activities together, and streamline your process, policy, and people in one platform.

Zoho CRM in SalesIQ

  1. Maximize the value of each-and-every interaction your team has with your customers, and add the ability to provide on-demand customer support through live chat. 
  2. Integrate Zoho SalesIQ with Zoho CRM and organize all your customer data in one place. By adding Zoho SalesIQ into your existing CRM, you extend your ability to connect with customers, and give your team the tools to support customers instantly, while keeping all interactions organized. 
  3. With instant access to your comprehensive customer database and easy-to-use live support software working together, it is all possible. 

How to integrate your Zoho CRM account with your Zoho SalesIQ account?

Before you can unlock the customer supporting power within your existing customer database, you need to link your Zoho SalesIQ and CRM together. To make things as simple as possible for you, we recommend having administrator privileges inside Zoho CRM and Zoho SalesIQ.

Pairing your Zoho CRM and SalesIQ account as a CRM admin

  1. Login to Zoho SalesIQ.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Developers > Integrations and click  Zoho CRM.
  3. In the Connect with Zoho CRM page, click the Enable button. This will link up the Zoho SalesIQ account to the existing Zoho CRM account and all the privileges, access and permissions you hold in your CRM account will be replicated in the SalesIQ account as well. Note that the integration will happen based on the email ID that was used for the integration.

  1. Once you have integrated successfully, you can view the name of the person who integrated the Zoho CRM with SalesIQ along with the email address that was used to create the integration in the Connect with Zoho CRM Account section.
  1. You can now enable the Zoho CRM integration only using OAuth.
  2. You can integrate your account with SalesIQ only if you hold Administrator privileges in Zoho CRM.  
  3. You can delete the integrated CRM account and map it to a different CRM account. On deletion, the integrated data will remain inside CRM.
  4. Deletion of the integrated user from Zoho CRM will not have any effect inside SalesIQ because we use Organisation-based OAuth
  5. Deletion or unavailability of the "Zoho SalesIQ attender " will automatically assign the lead/contact to the CRM administrator.

Changing system generated pairings to your desired CRM account.

  1. In Settings > Developers > Integrations > Zoho CRM, under the Connect with Zoho CRM Account sub-section, click Change.

  1. In the CRM Administrator box that pops-out, edit the Zoho CRM Admin Email Address field to add your e-mail address.
  2. Paste in the ZSC key that you just copied from the CRM account.
  3. Click Save to make the changes.

Enable/Disable Integration with CRM

If needed, you can disable your Zoho SalesIQ’s integration with a CRM account at any time.

To disable integration with CRM:

  1. In Settings > Developers > Integrations > Zoho CRM, click the "Disable" button on the top right.

To re-enable integration with CRM:

  1. In Settings > Developers > Integrations > Zoho CRM, click on the "Enable" button on the top right.

CRM integration Configurations

Now that you have linked your Zoho SalesIQ to your Zoho CRM account, you need to configure the integration to fit your team’s specific needs. Read below to explore the options of how you can configure the integration.

Add as Lead/Contact 

The integration allows you to choose how you want to add each visitor inside CRM - as Leads or as Contacts.  
Note: This configuration will apply to all visitors added automatically, so be aware of what visitors you configure in the next option to add so you can choose the best option. 

Visitors to be added 

The integration also lets you configure which segment of new visitors you would like to automatically add to your CRM. Your choices are
  1. Missed – Missed visitor will be automatically pushed to your CRM.
  2. Attended - Attended visitor will be automatically pushed to your CRM.
  3. Accessed - Visitor accessing the website will be pushed into your CRM.

Add Follow-up tasks

The third option that you can configure in the CRM integration is whether or not you want to add a follow-up task for your operators to check in on customers that Zoho SalesIQ automatically adds to your CRM and when that task is due. You can set up the system to create a follow-up task in CRM for today, tomorrow, the 7th day, or 14th day, to ensure your customer-centric culture extends beyond the initial live support encounter, and your entire team can check in with customers and see how things are working out.

Setup threshold for the lead score

To avoid junk leads being pushed into your CRM account, you can setup a threshold to filter the qualified leads based on their score and push them.

Enable Approval Process to Filter the Leads Manually

The leads will not be automatically pushed into your CRM as leads, instead they will be accumulated in the lead approval section. You should manually check and qualify all the valid leads.

Assign Operators to Push Visitors in CRM

You can also assign an operator in Zoho CRM for all the new visitors pushed from Zoho SalesIQ to CRM.
  1. In Settings > Developers > Integrations > Zoho CRM, under the CRM Configurations sub-section, Select the drop down next to “CRM operator responsible for new visitors”.
  2. You will be listed with the operators from CRM and with an option “Zoho SalesIQ Attender
  1. Selecting the operator name will ensure all the new visitors are assigned to them.
  2. Zoho SalesIQ Attender - On selecting this option the operator who attends the chat will be the responsible CRM user for new visitors. If the operators are not associated in Zoho CRM these chats will be assigned to the Zoho CRM Administrator.

Tracking your visitors inside CRM

Zoho SalesIQ allows you to track visitors inside CRM in real time. Get notified inside your CRM when a visitor visits your website. See the time spent by the potentials/lead/contact and the pages visited organized and stored inside your Zoho CRM
  1. Visitor Notifications – Enable/Disable website visitor notification inside your Zoho CRM.
  2. Add visit details – Enable/Disable adding website visitors page access details to the related visit fields of Leads/Contacts
Visitor Notifications
See how you get notified inside your CRM when a visitor visits your website in real time. Engage and get connected on seeing the visitor information stored n Zoho CRM.

Visit details
Add your visitor visit details inside your CRM. Track your site visitors and the action performed by them in your site organized in the CRM visit module based on customers/ potentials/lead/contact.

Attach Chat Transcripts automatically

You can update the chat transcripts of the visitors to their respective CRM Lead/Contact account for your future reference.

Zoho SalesIQ Configurations

Status of missed visitors
  1. You have the option to configure what happens when missed visitors from Zoho SalesIQ are pushed into CRM so they can be tracked, or followed-up on as a part of your existing customer engagement system.
  2. If missed visitors are pushed across as a new lead, or contact, into your CRM automatically, you can choose whether you want their status inside Zoho SalesIQ to be displayed as “Tracked in CRM,” or see them as “Missed” visitors.

Viewing CRM details
You will get to choose the departments that can view the CRM details of visitors. You can either choose All and let all the operators associated with the configured departments to view CRM data, or choose Custom and select certain departments and let the operators associated with those departments alone to view the CRM data.

How to enable visitor tracking in the CRM Web form?

You can track the visitors visiting your website also through CRM web forms. While creating a CRM web form enable the Visitor tracking option in the web form and track the visitor visiting your website in SalesIQ. Follow the steps below to enable tracking in your web form:
  1. First, Build a Zoho CRM Web form. How to build a Zoho CRM Web Form?

  1. Click on the Next Step button, the Notification Section of the form will then appear. Now turn on the Visitor Tracking option.

  1. You can view a box with the default Web Embed selected, clicking on which will list the Web Embeds that are available. Choose a Web Embed from the drop down list.

Note: If no portal is available, then you will be prompted to create a new portal.
  1. Finally, click the Save button to update the changes.

Route visitors to their respective CRM Owners

You can now route your returning website visitors to the owners who created the lead or contact in the CRM and track the website visitor in the Visitor Online screen. When the visitor visits your website the owner of the Lead/Contact will get the visitor’s registered information in the tracking screen.

To route the visitors, do the following:
  1. Go to Settings > Automate > Visitor Routing.
  2. Select the condition and criteria for the rule. Then, select Route to the selected operators option.
  3. Now when you click the (+) plus symbol, the list of options and the users will appear. Select the CRM Lead/Contact Owner option above the users list.
  4. Now the Visitors will be routed to the CRM owner of the respective lead or contact.

Using the integrated information

When you know how to use the instantly available information, you get the most value from your integrating live chat support with your existing customer database.

Prioritize Visitors Using CRM Values

You can now prioritize your CRM visitors in the Visitors online section by choosing the By CRM Values option in the Customize section.

View CRM Visitor's Information

Whenever a customer (or visitor) initiates a chat with you through your Zoho SalesIQ, that visitors’ information they provided to initiate the chat, is automatically screened through your CRM database. If a customer matches one already in your database, the information from the CRM is automatically displayed just below the standard Zoho SalesIQ visitor information—on the column just to the right of the live chat window.

View Visitor Info in CRM

If you want a detailed picture, beyond the quick-view of your customer’s information (both for Contacts and Leads), you have one-click direct access to the complete details inside your CRM.
  1. Click the expand information icon.
  2. The complete view of your customer’s details inside Zoho CRM will open in a new browser tab.

Manually add data to CRM from Zoho SalesIQ

When you are chatting with a visitor who hasn’t been automatically added to your CRM based upon your configurations or doesn’t already exist inside your CRM database, you will have the ability to manually push these visitors to your CRM as either Leads or Contacts.

Auto-push SalesIQ Visitor data to CRM custom fields

SalesIQ can push the visitor data to CRM custom fields automatically. Add the custom fields manually in your CRM Contact/Lead module, the visitor data gathered in SalesIQ will automatically propel into the CRM custom fields. Learn how to add custom field in Zoho CRM

The list of custom fields that you can add in CRM Lead/Contact module are:
  1. City
  2. State-Province-Region
  3. Country
  4. IP
  5. Browser-Type
  6. Campaign-Source
  7. Campaign Medium
  8. Campaign Term
  9. Campaign Content
  10. Campaign Name
  11. Operating-System

Push Visitor Data from SalesIQ to CRM Visits Module

You can also push the visitor data automatically from SalesIQ to CRM visits module. Add the custom fields manually in CRM visits module, the visitor data gathered in SalesIQ will be pushed to the fields automatically. Learn how to add custom field in Zoho CRM

The list of custom fields that you can add in the CRM Visits Module are:
  1. Lead Score
  2. Screen-Resolution
  3. Character-Encoding
  4. Current-Page
  5. User-Agent
  6. Platform
  7. Referrer
  8. Browser-Type
  9. Browser-Version
  10. Operating-System
  11. Color-Depth
  12. Script-Version
  13. Java-Support
  14. Cookie-Support
  15. Page-Title
  16. Search-Engine
  17. Search-Query
  18. Protocol
  19. Scheme
  20. Visitor-Indicator
  21. FlashPlayer-Version
  22. Geo-location
  23. Local-Timezone
  24. City
  25. State-Province-Region
  26. Country
  27. IP
  28. Accept-Language
  29. Longitude
  30. Latitude
  31. Code
  32. Campaign Source
  33. Campaign Medium
  34. Campaign Term
  35. Campaign Content
  36. Campaign Name
  37. Visitor ID
  38. Name
  39. Email Address
  40. Question
  41. Department
  42. Embed
  43. Phone
  44. Missed Reason
  45. In Time
  46. End Time
  47. Missed Time
  48. Waiting Time
  49. Chat Duration
  50. Last Mail Send At
  51. Customer Info

Lead Configurations

Adding a new lead

  1. When chatting with a prospective customer, perhaps a customer who has questions about a trial, you can quickly add the customer as a new lead, from the same window you are chatting with them from.
  2. After you click the “Push to CRM” button, you will see the add Lead/Contact box. This will default to bringing up the information for adding a new Lead, but you can click either Lead or Contact, to switch between the two add boxes.
  3. When adding a new lead from Zoho SalesIQ manually, it is mandatory that you enter the visitor’s company name. Here you can also add phone number, lead status and assign an owner.

Track Visitors with CRM Lead information

Tracking allows the agents to monitor the visitors in your website. It also allows them to set their predefined conditions to prioritize and route the visitors into their dashboard to initiate a proactive chat based on Zoho CRM Lead information.

Route visitors with Lead information

Leads generated in Zoho CRM can be routed to particular sales representatives, provided the assignment rules are defined.

To route your leads,
  1. Navigate to Settings > Automate > Visitor Routing.
  2. Click on the "Add" to set your required filters.
  3. Select the required "CRM Lead" from the list, followed by selecting the fields available for the Leads in CRM.
  4. Define a "criteria" for your conditions.
  5. Enter a value for the set condition.
  6. Add the agents name in the “Route to Operators” section by clicking on the names of the preferred operators.
  7. To remove the added agents, hover over the agents and click "x" symbol.

Trigger an Action to your CRM Lead

You can now trigger an action to your CRM lead while visiting your website or accessing any page on your website based on the lead information available in the Zoho CRM.
To trigger your Lead with an Action, 
  1. Navigate to Settings > Automate > Triggers.
  2. Choose the audience - CRM Lead and set a criteria for the trigger
  3. In the “When would you like to trigger the website visitor?” section, select an option.(on the landing page or while accessing any page on the website).
  4. Choose the type of action you would like to perform in the “What type of trigger you would like to use?” section.
  5. Finally, set the time after which you would like to perform the action in the “after” text box.

Customize Priority Rings based on Lead information

Tracking allows agents to set predefined conditions for prioritizing visitors inside their dashboard based on Zoho CRM Lead information.

To customize the priority circle,
  1. Click on the value below "Visitors Prioritized By" on the right side the tracking screen and then click on Add.
  2. Select "CRM Lead" followed by selecting the fields available for the Leads in CRM.
  3. Define a "criteria" for your conditions.
  4. Click "Apply".

View Tracked Visitor CRM Lead information

On the top right of your proactive chat window, you can find the CRM Lead information above the visitor page navigation area.
Below are the lead fields displayed in the proactive chat window.
  1. Company
  2. Phone
  3. Lead Status
  4. Lead Owner
  5. Lead Source
  6. Annual Revenue
  7. No of Employees

View CRM Lead Information in the Chat Window

When you are chatting with a customer, or visitor, who is a Lead in your CRM, you will be able to see in the quick-view their company, phone number, and lead status

Add Task to Lead in CRM

You can also manually create a follow-up task for your Lead in CRM from Zoho SalesIQ. All you have to do is click on the Add Task Icon.

Update Lead information to CRM Custom Fields

Zoho SalesIQ allows you to update the Lead information in the into your Zoho CRM custom field while you are in chat. All you have to do is to select the information that has to be added in CRM.
  1. Select the information that has to be added in CRM.
  2. Click on the “CRM Icon”.
  3. Select a custom field, where you like to add the information in CRM.
  4. The selected value will be auto-filled into the text box below, you can edit it as per your need and hit “Save”.
  5. At any time if you like to discard click “Cancel”.

Convert Lead to Contact

You also have the ability to convert the lead to a Deal. You can display the new Deal fields, by clicking the box Add Deal. Here, from the same window, you are chatting with a lead, you can enter the new Deal's name, the stage the new Deal is in, how much this Deal represents and when you target to close.

Once you enter this information click the "Convert to Contact" button to convert the Lead to a contact with the deal information inside your CRM, which your team can now follow-up with later.

Contact configurations

Adding as a new contact

If after chatting a while with a customer, you realize this is a contact from an existing or new account, who hasn’t been added into your CRM for some reason, you can easily add them as a new contact while you answer their questions.
To add a new contact,
  1. Click on Push to CRM button on the right column of the chat window.
  2. Choose Contact to display the options for adding a new contact.
  3. Enter the Account name and the Phone number for the contact.
  4. You can also assign the new contact an owner from the drop-down list.
  5. Lastly, create a follow-up task for today, so the new owner can further connect with the new contact, or even create new deal.
  6. Finally, click Submit.

Track Visitors with CRM Contact information

Tracking allows the agents to monitor the visitors in your website. It also allows them to set their predefined conditions to prioritize and route the visitors into their dashboard to initiate a proactive chat based on Zoho CRM Contact information.

Route CRM Visitors based on Contact information

Contacts added to Zoho CRM can be routed to particular sales representatives, provided the assignment rules are defined.

To route your visitor based on the CRM contact information,
  1. Navigate to Settings > Automate > Visitor Routing
  2. Click on the "Add" to set your required filters.
  3. Select the required "CRM Contact" from the list, followed by selecting the fields available for the Leads in CRM.
  4. Define a "criteria" for your conditions.
  5. Enter a value for the set condition.
  6. Add the agents name in the “Route to Operator” section by clicking on the names of the desired operators.
  7. To remove the added operators, hover over the agents and click "x" symbol.

Trigger an Action to your CRM Contact

You can now trigger an action to your CRM contact while visiting your website or accessing any page on your website based on the contact information available in the Zoho CRM.
To trigger your Contact with an action, 
  1. Navigate to Settings > Automate > Triggers.
  2. Choose the audience - CRM Contact and set a criteria for the trigger

  1. In the “When would you like to trigger the website visitor?” section, select an option.(on the landing page or while accessing any page on the website).
  2. Choose the type of action you would like to perform in the “What type of trigger you would like to use?” section.
  3. Finally, set the time after which you would like to perform the action in the “after” text box.

Customize Priority Rings based on Contact information

Tracking allows agents to set predefined conditions for prioritizing visitors inside their dashboard based on Zoho CRM Contact information.

To customize the priority circle, 
  1. Click on the value below "Visitors Prioritized By" on the right side the tracking screen and then click on Add.
  2. Select "CRM Contact" followed by selecting the fields available for the Contacts in CRM.
  3. Define a criteria for your conditions.
  4. Click Apply.

View Tracked Contact Information of Visitors

On the top right, of the proactive chat window you can find the CRM Contact information above the visitor page navigation area.
Below are the contact fields displayed in the proactive chat window.
  1. Account Name
  2. Phone
  3. Contact Owner
  4. Lead Source

View Visitor Contact information in the Chat Window

For a Contact you will get a quick view of the below
  1. Account name - The account (Company) that they belong too.
  2. Phone number – Contact number.
  3. Owner - The name of the owner of the contact.

Update Contact information to CRM Custom Fields

Zoho SalesIQ allows you to update the Contact information in the into your Zoho CRM custom field while you are in chat. All you have to do is to select the information that has to be added in CRM.
  1. Select the information that has to be added in CRM.
  2. Click on the CRM Icon.
  3. Select a custom field, where you like to add the information in CRM.
  4. The selected value will be auto-filled into the text box below, you can edit it as per your need and hit “save”.
  5. At any time if you like to discard click “Cancel”.

Add Deal for CRM Contact

You also have the ability to add a deal value for your lead. You can display the new deal fields, by clicking on Add Deal. Here, from the same window you are chatting with a lead, you can enter the new deal name, the stage the new contact is in, how much value this deal represents, and when you target to close. If the visitor is already a contact, you can simply add the deal information and click Save.

Once you enter the deal information, you can view the deal value for your contact inside CRM, your team can follow-up later.

Add Task to a Contact in CRM

You can also manually create a follow-up task for your contact in CRM from Zoho SalesIQ. All you have to do is click on the add task Icon.

Deal Configuration

Tracking visitors based on CRM Deal information

Tracking allows the agents to monitor the visitors on your website. It also allows them to set their predefined conditions to prioritize and route the visitors into their dashboard to initiate a proactive chat based on Zoho CRM Deal information.

Route visitors based on CRM Deal

Visitors can be routed based on the deal value to a particular sales rep provided the assignment rules are defined.

To route your visitor based on the CRM Deal information,
  1. Navigate to Settings > Automate > Visitor Routing
  2. Click on the "Add" to set your required filters.
  3. Select the required "CRM Deal" from the list, followed by selecting the fields available for the Leads in CRM.
  4. Define a "criteria" for your conditions.
  5. Enter a value for the set condition.
  6. Add the agents name in the “Route to Operator” section by clicking on the names of the desired operators.
  7. To remove the added operators, hover over the agents and click "x" symbol.

Trigger an Action based on the Deal value in Zoho CRM

You can now trigger an action to your CRM Deal while visiting your website based on the information available in the Zoho CRM.

To trigger an action to your CRM Deal, do the following:
  1. Navigate to Settings > Automate > Triggers.
  2. Choose the audience - CRM Deal and set a criteria for the trigger

  1. In the “When would you like to trigger the website visitor?” section, select an option.(on the landing page or while accessing any page on the website).
  2. Choose the type of action you would like to perform in the “What type of trigger you would like to use?” section.
  3. Finally, set the time after which you would like to perform the action in the “after” text box

Customize Priority Rings based on CRM Deal

Tracking allows the agents to set their predefined conditions for prioritizing the visitors into their dashboard based on Zoho CRM Deal information.
To customize the priority circle, 
  1. Click on the value below "Visitors Prioritized By" on the right side the tracking screen and then click on Add.
  2. Select "CRM Deal" followed by selecting the fields available for the Contacts in CRM.
  3. Define a criteria for your conditions.
  4. Click "Apply".

View tracked deal information

You will be able to view all the CRM deal information inside your proactive chat window.

View deal value of visitors on your chat window

You will also get a quick view of the deal information. As an existing customer with an established relationship with your company, these details can help you provide better support.

CRM Visitor Stage In CRM

Tracking visitors based on CRM Visitor Stage in CRM

Tracking allows the agent to monitor the visitors visiting your website. It also allows them to set their predefined conditions to prioritize and route the visitors into their dashboard to initiate a proactive chat based on the CRM Visitor Stage in CRM.

Route visitors based on CRM Visitor Stage

You can route your website visitors to your sales executives based on the visitor type information that is available in the Zoho CRM.
To route your visitor based on the visitor type,
  1. Navigate to Settings > Automate > Visitor Routing
  2. Click on the "Add" to set your required filters.
  3. Select the required "CRM Visitor Stage" from the list, followed by selecting the fields available for the Leads in CRM.

  1. Define a criteria for your conditions.
  2. Enter a value for the set condition.
  3. Add the agents name in the “Route to Operator” section by clicking on the names of the desired operators.
  4. To remove the added operators, hover over the agents and click "x" symbol.

Customize Priority Rings based on Visitor type

Tracking allows the agents to set their predefined conditions for prioritizing the visitors into their dashboard based on Zoho CRM Visitor Stage.
To customize the priority circle, 
  1. Click on the value below "Visitors Prioritized By" on the right side the tracking screen and then click on Add.
  2. Select "CRM Visitor Stage" followed by selecting the fields available for the Contacts in CRM.
  3. Define a criteria for your conditions.
  4. Click "Apply".

Updating visitor data from chat widget to CRM custom field

If the custom field name in the Zoho SalesIQ chat widget matches with the Custom field in the CRM, Zoho SalesIQ updates those data directly into your CRM in real time.

Viewing Zoho SalesIQ data inside CRM

Viewing chat transcripts as attachments

If you do configure your Zoho SalesIQ to push completed chats as transcripts into CRM, you will be able to view all your chats with Leads and Contacts inside of your CRM. When you view a Lead or Contact, scroll down to the attachments section and you will see each chat you had with that person, listed with the chat subject as the file name, in PDF form. Click these transcripts, and choose either Open or Download, to either view or download the transcripts for review.

Lead Source as chat

See how many leads you are adding through your Zoho SalesIQ, and view and search by lead source—in this case you will see chat as the source.

Notes (auto-added) and manually added

Each time you chat with a Lead or Contact, Zoho SalesIQ will automatically add a note for this chat—including who they had the chat with, their visit ID, when the chat had taken place, and the question the visitor had asked as the initial subject. A note will also be automatically added for customers whose attempts to initiate chats with your Zoho SalesIQ are missed.

You can also manually add notes directly from the notes section in Zoho SalesIQ, which when on a Lead or Contact, will push these notes directly to CRM so the rest of your team can learn more about your Customers and visitors.

Follow-up tasks

When your Zoho SalesIQ creates a follow-up task, either automatically, or manually, you can see these tasks yet to be completed in the Open Activities section in each Lead or Contact’s detail page inside CRM. Here you will see the tasks subject “Zoho SalesIQ chat session follow-up” followed by the subject of the chat, the activity type—tasks, the status and the due date. You can also view who owns this task.

CRM - Visits

How to view your website visitors in Zoho CRM?

You can now view the visitors visiting your website in the “Visits” tab of Zoho CRM. When a visitor visits your website and the identity of the visitor is captured then the details of the visitor will be listed in the Visits tab. If the visitor had a chat conversation with the sales representative then the Chat transcript will also be attached.

List View

Some predefined list views are provided for the Visits tab, clicking on which will change the view of the list. They are:
  1. All Visits
  2. Today's Visits
  3. Top Visits
  4. Today's Top Visits
  5. Visits by Leads
  6. Visits by Contacts

The List view can also be changed by clicking on the Edit option that appears near the drop-down in the left corner.

Default data available in the Visits tab

The General Information section details the visitor information like Visited By, Visitor Page, Time Spent, etc. These fields are non-editable.

The Following Visitor’s information are available in the General Information section.
Field Name
IP Address
IP address of the visitor who visited the web page.
Name of the Lead or Contact who visited the page. Based on the integration settings in Zoho SalesIQ, new visitors will be added as Leads or Contacts.
Visited Page
The web page visited by the visitors.
Time Spent (Minutes)
Number of minutes spent by the visitor on the web page(s) in a single visit.
It is the URL of the page that directs visitors to your web page. This field gives the URL of the page that the person was on before visiting your page.
User Agents
Details on the browser, operating system, etc. used by the visitor.
Attended By
Name of the user who contacted the visitor via chat option in your web page.
Visited Page URL
The URL of the web page that was visited.
The browser in which the web page was accessed.
Visitor Type
The visitors are categorized into these types: Customer, Deal, Leads, Contact, and Unknown.
Revenue till date, from the customer.
Visited Time
Date and time of the visit.
Search Keyword
The search keyword that listed your web page as one of the search results and brought the visitor to the page.
Search Engine
Name of the search engine where the keyword was used to search.
Operating System
Operating system of the visitor's computer/laptop.

Actions Performed

The following details of the customer can be viewed in the Action Performed section:
  1. Action Type- Displays any one of the following action:
    1. Accessed
    2. Navigation
    3. Chat
  2. Actions - Title of the web page or the page’s URL.
  3. Time Spent - Number of minutes spent by the visitor on the web page(s) in a particular visit.
  4. Action Performed Time - Date and time when the action was performed in the web page.

Track visitors using CRM Identifiers

You can use CRM Identifier links in emails to track and identify visitors from CRM on your website. These emails are sent from the Leads/Contacts modules. When the visitor clicks the link, he/she is directed to the website page.

Now, the Name and Email of the recipient is attached to the identifier link and the SalesIQ Identifier parameters identify the visitors. After the SalesIQ identifies the visitor, the visitor activities such as details under Visit summary, Source, Visits are tracked and updated in the Leads/Contacts module in you CRM account. To configure it, click here

For Leads
  1. ?siq_name=${Leads.First Name}%20${Leads.Last Name}&siq_email=${Leads.Email}
For Contacts
  1. ?siq_name=${Contacts.First Name}%20${Contacts.Last Name}&siq_email=${Contacts.Email}

  1. Inside your CRM account, navigate to Leads/Contacts module.

  1. Click on a lead/contact.

  1. You can now find a button "Send Email" at the top right of the page.

  1. You can draft your content and click on the "Insert link" icon. 

  1. Now, you can paste the required tracking link in the URL field.

  1. You can also insert the tracking link in an email  template, select a module for the template and paste the required tracking link by clicking on "Insert link" icon. Your emails are now tracked.

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