Integrating Telegram Channel with SalesIQ

Integrating Telegram Channel with SalesIQ

What is Telegram in SalesIQ?

By integrating Telegram with Zoho SalesIQ, you can
  • Grow your audience base by promoting your business and conversing with your visitors via Telegram bot.
  • Engage and converse with Telegram users and allow them to contact your operators instantly.
  • Assist your visitors with rich media such as Images, Videos, etc.

How does it work?

  • The Telegram channel add-on can helps ease the process of navigating to your website to initiate conversations.
  • The bot feature in Telegram acts as a communication bridge that allows operators to communicate with your visitors.
  • Visitors can initiate a chat request by sending a message via bot. The operator can pick up the chat from the SalesIQ chat window and assist the visitors.
  • Users can have all the chats and media securely stored in their Telegram account without being lost.

How to integrate Telegram with SalesIQ?

To integrate Telegram with SalesIQ,
  1. Go to SalesIQ -> Settings -> Channels.

  1. Choose Telegram and click Add.

  1. The Telegram - SalesIQ integration page appears and you will see the list of all the brands.

Connect your Telegram account with SalesIQ

To connect your Telegram account with SalesIQ:
  • Click on the brand that you want to enable Telegram for.
  • There are two options available for you to connect to an account
  • You can choose an existing Telegram account from the drop-down to associate the brand and click Confirm.

  • When you want to associate it to a new account, click on Link new account.
  • The Connect your Telegram Account with SalesIQ page appears.
  • Enter the mobile number that you want to associate with your Telegram account and click Next. An OTP will be sent to the aforesaid mobile number.

  • Enter the security code and click Verify.

  • As the next step, you can create or associate a Telegram bot. If you already have bots, you can just associate the bot with the account. Otherwise, you can click Create a bot.

  • Give your bot a name.
  • Then, add a bot username. 
Note: The bot username cannot have any special characters or spaces. The title should also end with the word "bot" in lower case.
  • Add an avatar/image for your bot.
  • Then, write a description for the bot that will help operators understand the characteristics of the bot/ what the bot does.
  • As the next step, add a description of the bot for website visitors.
  • Finally, click Create.

  1. Once you have associated the bot, click Done.
  2. You can edit the associated number and the associated bot whenever required.

  1. Inside the Telegram dashboard under the Account info tab, you can view information about the Administrator and the associated Telegram account. In case you need to make any changes, click Change.

Set chat ending time limit

  1. Under Preference, you can set the Chat ending time limit - the time after which a missed chat will be closed after inactivity.

Enable/disable telegram channel

  1. To disable the integration, click the Disable button on the top right corner of the dashboard.

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