Integrating Multiple Telephony Providers in an Organization

Integrating Multiple Telephony Providers in an Organization

Integrating CRM account with third-party telephony providers is cost-effective and time-saving. It allows to make, receive, associate, and automate calls directly from CRM, facilitating hassle-free correspondence.

A few enterprise level organizations, where team members are often geographically distributed, prefer to use different telephony services based on locale or other preferences. In such cases, using one vendor can pose operational issues such as unavailability of a vendor in a region, only few users using a certain telephony service, excess charges etc. For example, a company that is headquartered in Canada, may use RingCentral however, due to its unavailability in China the team members may not be able to access it. This limits the users in China from using this telephony service.

To address this disparity, we facilitate a single org account to integrate with multiple telephony vendors.

Multi-vendor telephony integration allows orgs to:
  1. Choose and use convenient vendors, based on the availability and performance in a region.
  2. Conduct performance test with different vendors before implementing.
  3. Add and remove users from a service easily .
Configuring PBX Vendors in Zoho CRM
Zoho CRM hosts a wide variety of cloud-based PBX and Contact Centre providers in the Telephony Marketplace. Click here to know the list of available service providers 
While setting up the configuration the admins can choose if they want to install the service for all users or specific users.

  1. A user can be associated only with one vendor at a time.
  2. If you'd like to migrate user (s) from one vendor to another, the user(s) has to be uninstalled from the existing vendor and manually added to the other. For example, if a user is transferred from one location to another which uses a different telephony provider, then the admin must uninstall the user from the existing vendor and add the user to the new vendor, manually.
  3. There is no limit to the number of vendors you can install into an organization i.e. if there are users still remaining with out being associated to any vendor, additional vendors can be added to the organization.

To enable multiple PBX vendor implementation,
  1. Go to Setup > Channels > Telephony.
  2. In the Telephony MarketPlace page, choose and click on the desired vendor.
  3. In the respective vendor page, click Install.
  4. In the Setup Zoho Telephony popup, select
    1. All Users if you want to install for all users in the organization.
    2. Specific users, if you want to install for few users. Select the desired users from the drop-down and click Done.
  5. Click on the Install button, to complete the installation.
  6. Click on the number of Users Selected to edit or view the selected users. 
Viewing list of installed vendors
Once the vendors are installed, you can see the list of vendors under the Installed tab under Telephony. As an admin, you can view, modify, and uninstall user(s) and vendors without any logistic difficulties.

To manage and modify user(s) when All users is selected,
  1. Go to Setup > Channels > Telephony > Installed.
  2. Under the list of installed vendors, select the desired vendor
  3. Click Details > Manage Users > Modify.
  4. In the Specific Users page, add or remove users, and click Done.
To manage user(s) when specific user(s) is selected,
  1. Go to Setup > Channels > Telephony > Installed.
  2. Under the list of installed vendors, select the desired vendor in which you'd like to add, modify or remove the user(s).
  3. Select the Install for another user option.
  4. In the Specific Users page, add or remove them by selecting or unselecting the checkbox. Alternatively, under the Manage Users tab, you can remove the user(s) by hovering over the user and clicking the Uninstall option.
  5. To extend the vendor for all users from specific users, select the Would you like to install for all users, who gets to join our organization in future? checkbox.
  6.  Click Done.

See also
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