Integrating Facebook Messenger Channel with SalesIQ

Integrating Facebook Messenger Channel with SalesIQ

Now you can converse with your Facebook audience directly using Zoho SalesIQ. SalesIQ's Facebook channel allows the followers of your Facebook page to initiate conversations with your operators using the inbuilt Facebook messenger. Due to the wide availability of businesses on Facebook and an extensive user base, it is easy to identify and connect with people. SalesIQ Facebook channel enables you to connect, store, and manage the leads and contacts right inside your SalesIQ portal.

How does it work? 

  1. By adding your Facebook page to SalesIQ, followers can initiate conversation using Facebook messenger and connect with your SalesIQ operators.
  2. All the chats and media will be stored in Facebook messenger.

 How to integrate Facebook with SalesIQ? 

To integrate Facebook with SalesIQ,
  • In SalesIQ dashboard, navigate to Settings > Channels > Facebook . Click on Add to enable the channel.

  • Read the user consent and click Accept.

  • All your brands will be displayed here.
  • Now, click on the Manage users in the top right corner.

  • Click Add.

  • Now, you will be redirected to a Facebook login page. Now enter your Facebook credentials to link your Facebook account with SalesIQ.
  • Now, select the pages that you want to add in SalesIQ.

  • Accept the permissions requested by Zoho social and click Done.

  • You have now successfully linked your Facebook pages with SalesIQ.

How to enable SalesIQ channels for your Facebook page? 

  • After adding users, choose the brand for which you want to configure the Facebook channels.

  • Select the Facebook account that you have added earlier to converse with the visitor. Click Next.
  • Now select the page that you want to associate with this brand and click Next.
  • Pick a department to associate with the channel and click Next
  • Now, you can view all your selections and click done to save the choices.

Set chat ending time limit

You can set an inactivity period to convert the missed chats to closed chats.
  • To do so, navigate to Settings > Channels > Facebook Messenger , pick the brand and switch to the Preferences tab.
  • Now, specify an inactivity time limit from the options available below. 

 Enable/Disable configured channels 

  • Navigate to Settings > Channels > Facebook Messenger . All the brands that you have configured will be listed here.
  • Click on the toggle button to enable or disable the channel.

Conversation Errors

These are the common errors that occurs while conversing with visitors.

Visitor information not found. Channel bot may be unlinked.
The channel admin might have unlinked the brand in Facebook messenger channel settings
Your token authentication expired.  Re-connect your account with SalesIQ.
Your token authentication has expired.  Please reconnect your account to enable the channel.
Reached response time limit. Questions should be answered in 7 days from the last response.
You must reply to the visitors within 7 days, or the chat will be automatically closed.
Facebook user not available to chat.
Possible reasons:
  •  The user has blocked the page
  •  The user's account might be deleted
  •  The user's account may be temporarily disabled
  •  The user's account might be banned by Facebook.  
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