I want to be automatically notified of idle records in CRM. Say, when a lead has remained in a particular state for over 14 days, an email should be automated to sales managers in CRM. Is this possible?

I want to be automatically notified of idle records in CRM. Say, when a lead has remained in a particular state for over 14 days, an email should be automated to sales managers in CRM. Is this possible?

Yes. You can automate an email notification if a lead has remained in a particular state for a long period of time, say 14 days. Use scheduled actions in workflow rules to do this. Here's how you create scheduled actions in workflow rules: 
  1. Click Settings > Setup > Automation > Workflow Rules.
  2. Click Create Rule.
  3. Under the Create New Rule Popup, choose Record action, select Field Update and pick the Lead Status field. 
  4. Under Which, choose All Records.
  5. Add a Scheduled action to be executed 14 days after the Rule Trigger Time. 
    To this, associate a custom function as seen in this image.  

After setting up this rule, if the Lead Status field is updated, the email as configured in the custom function will be automated 14 days from the date of modification (rule trigger time). 

  • The criteria (input.status != "Qualified") ensures that the scheduler does not automate the escalation email once the lead has reached the end state. Example, you wouldn't want an escalation email to be sent in the case of qualified leads. So, you can exclude the "Qualified" status from the workflow rule; this way, the rule is executed only for records that have remained in other states for more than 14 days - such as Not Contacted, Junk and so on. 
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