How to change the fiscal year?

How to change the fiscal year?

The fiscal year settings help organizations configure their fiscal cycle based on the selected fiscal start month. Once the fiscal start month is selected, fiscal quarters are automatically rolled up. By default, the Zoho CRM fiscal start month is set to January.

To set up fiscal year
  1. Log in to Zoho CRM with Administrator privilege.
  2. Click Setup > General > Company Details > Fiscal Year.
  3. In the Fiscal Year page, select the Fiscal Start Month from the drop-down list.
  4. Choose Start Month or End Month to specify if the fiscal year name should be based on the start or the end month.
  5. Click Save.

  • Changing the Fiscal Start Month will affect changes in the new as well as the existing Forecast records.
  • Changing the Fiscal Start Month will affect the settings configured for Financial Year and Financial Quarter in Reports and Dashboards.
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