How many emails can I send per day from Zoho CRM?

How many emails can I send per day from Zoho CRM?

The email limit for every organization is calculated based on the total number of confirmed and active users in the account.
In the Free Edition, it is 50 x total confirmed and active users (per day, per organization) for upto 4 users. For accounts with more than 4 users, the limit is 200 emails (per day, per organization). 12 AM to 11.59 PM GMT is considered as one day.

Let's say you have 2 active and confirmed users in your organization's account. In this case, the maximum emails you can send per organization will be 100 (50 x 2) emails. If you have more than 4 active and confirmed users, then the total number of individual emails that can be sent will be 200, which is the fixed limit.

In the Paid Editions, it is 300 x total confirmed and active users (per day, per organization). 12 AM to 11.59 PM GMT is considered as one day. For instance, let's say you have 5 active and confirmed users in your organization’s account. In this case, the maximum number of individual emails that a user can send per day, per organization will be 1500 (300 x 5) emails.

You can send mass emails based on your Zoho CRM Edition. Mass emails per day, per company include Autoresponders, active Email Schedulers, Macros and Mass emails.
You can also increase the mass email limit up to 2250 per day, per organization for an additional cost. Please write to us at if you want to increase your mass email limit.