How is a page layout different from using multiple sales pipelines?

How is a page layout different from using multiple sales pipelines?

Page layouts are used to capture details of different records in a single module.

For example, you need to gather different details from customers who purchase a mobile device than for customers who have a mobile device service. So, though both the records can be stored in a single module, you will use different fields for each customer type. For example, Service due on will not be required when a mobile device is sold. You can use layouts to show only the fields that are relevant to the specific record type you are adding to keep the database organized and decluttered.

Now, since the sales process for selling and servicing the mobile devices differ, it would be challenging to track the progress of these two deal types in the same pipeline. This is because the deal stages will be different for each process and accommodating them in a single pipeline will not give a complete overview of how the deals are progressing.

To address this, we allow the creation of pipelines based on a deal's stages. Multiple sale pipelines allow you to:

  • Visualize and track the progress of a deal through each stage

  • Take necessary actions based on the stage in the buying cycle

  • Monitor how long a particular deal has stayed in a stage and take action to prevent stagnancy

Read more about layouts and multiple pipelines.
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