How do I send mass emails from CRM using my SMTP server?

How do I send mass emails from CRM using my SMTP server?

Mass emails can be sent via your SMTP servers using email relay.
To set up email relays, you will have to connect your SMTP server with the Zoho CRM server.

To configure email relay settings
  1. Navigate to Setup > Channels > Email > Email Deliverability > Email Relay.
  2. Click + New Server on the Email Relay Settings page.
  3. Enter the Server Name on the New Server Details page. 
  4. Choose a port number from the dropdown. 
  5. Specify the Maximum Limit. 
  6. Choose one of the Secure Connections: SSL, TLS, or Never. 
  7. Click either Yes or No in Authentication Required. 
  8. If you choose Yes, enter the host's Username and Password for authentication. 
  9. In Advanced Details select the following options: 
    1. Domain in this server: Select a domain from the dropdown list. 
    2. Type of email: Select the type of email from the dropdown list. 
    3. DKIM Authentication: Check Enable to allow Zoho to sign DKIM for the emails routed via the relay server.
    4. Click Copy to Clipboard and paste the public key into your DNS settings.
  1. Click Configure.
Click here for more information about setting up email relays.
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