How do I export my leads from CRM to an XLS file?

How do I export my leads from CRM to an XLS file?

You can export the leads in your account to an XLS file using reports. To export leads:

  1. Go to the Reports module and click Create Report.
  2. Select the Leads module and choose a report type, e.g. Tabular.
  3. Select the fields you want to add to your report.
  4. Specify the criteria for the custom view under Advanced Filters.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Export.
  7. Select Export to Excel.


Alternatively, you can use Zoho Sheet View to export leads as an XLS file:

  1. Go to the Leads module.

  2. Click Create View.

  3. Enter the custom View Name.

  4. Specify the criteria to filter the records by and select the columns to be displayed.Click Save.

  5. Click the more icon in the Leads module page and select Zoho Sheet View.

  6. Click Continue
    An xls file will open. Download the file.

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