How do I configure HIPAA Compliance in my CRM account?

How do I configure HIPAA Compliance in my CRM account?

With more healthcare organizations using CRM to run their business smoothly and store customer information in a shared database, it is crucial that they can ensure the confidentiality of an individual's health information.
 In Zoho CRM, we provide ways for healthcare organizations to secure and restrict export of individuals' health information and stay compliant with the HIPAA guidelines. 

To configure HIPAA compliance
  1. Go to Setup > Users and Controls > Compliance Settings.
  2. Click the HIPAA Compliance tab.
  3. Toggle the Enable HIPAA Compliance Settings button.
    Select the modules from the dropdown list. You can select up to 10 modules.
  4. In Personal Health Data Handling, toggle Restrict Data access through APIRestrict Data in Export, or both, as required.
To mark fields that contain personal health data
  1. Go to Setup Customization > Modules and Fields.
  2. Select a module and click the More icon to select the desired layout.
    Alternatively, you can click the More icon and select Edit Layout.
  3. Go to the desired field and click the More icon.
  4. Click Edit Properties and check the Contains Personal Health Data box.
    Remember that this option will only appear if the module has been selected for HIPAA compliance.

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