How do I change the home currency?

How do I change the home currency?

Home currency is the primary currency that your organization uses for its business. It is most relevant for multinational companies that do business in multiple currencies. The home currency can only be specified when the multi-currency feature is activated and it cannot be changed once it is set. This is because changing it would have consequences for existing records. However, if you still want to change your home currency please note that:

  • The currency of the existing records will be set to the new home currency (e.g., USD). The existing currency values will not be converted, the same value will be maintained but in the new home currency.

  • The currencies configured in the multi-currency feature will be deleted and only the new home currency (USD) will be available. Since the exchange rates are defined based on the home currency, changing the home currency makes those exchange rates invalid.

  • If you accept these conditions, send us a confirmation email to from the primary email address of your Zoho CRM account. We will activate multi-currency and you can go ahead and change your home currency.