How do I add a user who was previously deleted from my CRM account?

How do I add a user who was previously deleted from my CRM account?

You can add users who you have previously deleted, back to the account. Even after a user is permanently deleted, the deleted email address can be used to create a new user. This added user will be considered as a new user to the CRM and will not be linked with any of the old existing records. However, if you think you may want to re-invite the user later, instead of deleting the user, you can deactivate them. Learn more here on how to deactivate user.

To add a new user:

    1. Log in to Zoho CRM with Administrator's privilege.

    2. Navigate to Setup > Users and Control > Users.

    3. Click the +Add User button

    4. In the Add User pop-up, fill the required details.

    5. Click Save.

Note that deleting or deactivating a user does not cancel the user's license. If you no longer want the user license, you will need to unsubscribe it.

To unsubscribe user licenses:

    1. Click Upgrade.

    2. Click Manage for your Edition.

    3. Click Downgrade under Action.

Select the Number of User Licenses that you want to unsubscribe from under Users. Click Downgrade.