There are multiple stages in deleting a Zoho CRM account. To delete individual users with the CRM account, you can follow these steps to delete them from Zoho CRM:
1. Go to Setup > Users and Control > Users.
2. Click the user you want to delete.
3. Click the Delete This User button at the bottom of the User Details section.
4. You will see a dialog box with a message asking if you're sure you want to delete this user.
5. Confirming it will delete the user and this user will now appear under the Deleted Users view.
While deleting the user you will be prompted to transfer the records owned by the user to another user. Click
here to learn more about transferring records.
1. You can follow these steps to delete the individual members of your organization and restrict their access when they quit.
2. Deleting a user from Zoho CRM is not the same as closing their account. They are only deleted from Zoho CRM.
Once all the users are deleted, follow these steps to delete your Zoho CRM account:
1. Go to Setup > General > Company Details.
2. At the bottom of the Company Details page, you will see the Delete CRM account link. Click the link to close the CRM account.
3. You will see a dialog box with a message asking you if you want to go ahead and delete the CRM account.
4. Click Delete to close your Zoho CRM account.
Points to remember:
1. When you delete a user, you cannot undo the action later. If you don't want the member to access CRM but are unsure about deleting that particular user, you can deactivate them.
2. Records that belong to the deleted users will remain in Zoho CRM. You can transfer them to another member at any time.
3. You can't re-invite a deleted user.
4. Only the Super Admin of your account can delete users.
5. All integrations configured by the deleted user will be lost once you delete them.
6. Deleting a user does not cancel the user's license.
If you are the administrator and want to delete your Zoho CRM account permanently, you need to login to, click
Preferences and select the
Close Account option.
Points to be noted:
- On closing your account, you will not be able to access any of the Zoho Services.
- Before closing your account, please ensure that you have exported all your data from Zoho CRM and other Zoho services and downgrade your account to the Free Edition.
- Once you close your account, your data will be handled according to our data retention and disposal policy.