How can I activate multiple currencies for my organization?

How can I activate multiple currencies for my organization?

Multi-currency support in Zoho CRM lets you carry out business transactions with multiple currencies in the global marketplace.  

As the Administrator, you can activate this feature by adding the home currency.

On activation:

  • The system takes a while to apply Home Currency to the existing records in the CRM account.
  • All users with the Administrator profile will receive an email informing them that the multi-currency feature has been activated for the organization's CRM account.
  • Once activated, this feature cannot be deactivated.You cannot mass update the record's currency (i.e. Currency field) for the records.
  • The exchange rates for the existing records will automatically be set as 1.

To activate multiple currencies and add a home currency :

  1. Click Setup > General > Company Details
  2. In the Company Details page, go to Currencies tab
  3. Select the required Home Currency from the drop-down list.
  4. Note that the home currency cannot be changed. The format of the selected currency will be shown. 
  5. Click the Customize link to change the following:
  1. Select the Thousand Separator from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the Decimal Places from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the Decimal Separator from the drop-down list.
  4. Click OK and then click Confirm.
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