Grow B2B relationships with Company section

Grow B2B relationships with Company section

If an organization or firm's employees initiate a chat with your operators, the data will be shown in the Company module. The Company's employee is identified using Clearbit integration. In the Company overview, you can view all the essential data of the organization. This module is categorized to make it easy for your team to analyze the data and perform follow up accordingly.

Company List

The companies are categorized into four pre-defined lists :

  • Retuning Companies: The employees of the organization who actively engage with you.
  • Today's New Companies: Newly identified companies will be listed here.
  • Companies visited today: The employees who visited your website or engaged with the operator will be listed here.
  • Cold Companies: The companies which didn't fall under any tracking rules will be listed here.

Create your custom list

You can create your custom list by adding various rules, if followed the Company will be enlisted in your list.

  • In the SalesIQ > People > Company, click on the (+) icon next to the list type.

  • Set your rules to filter out your desired Company.

How to set rules to filter Company

  • Add a name to your list by clicking on the Add a Title on the top.

  • Make a rule from one of the pre-defined conditions available.

  • For example, here we want to categorize the Company's employees who use  Google chrome as their browser. First, select a predefined condition called 'Browser,' now pick 'is' to filter users using the selected browser. Choose the type of browser and click Save.

  • After creating your first rule, you can add more rules to it by clicking 'or / and' next to add another rule. 

  • If you pick 'or' the Company will be filtered if any one rule is satisfied.

  • If you pick 'and' all the rules must be satisfied to be enlisted in the list.

  • After adding the rules, click Save.

  • Now, pick your custom list from the drop down on top, inside the Company module

View essential information 

  • In Settings > People > Company, click on the company you want to view and click on the company info tab.
  • In the company info tab, you can view various essential information about the company.
  1. Company information

  • Name: The name of the company.
  • Employee Count: The number of employees working in the organization.
  • Phone No: The phone number of the company.
  • Domain: The official website of company.
    • Company visit information

  • First visited: The first day when an employee of the company landed on your website.
  • Last visited: The most recent visit made by an employee of the company.
  • Visits: Number of visits made by the employees of the Organization.
  • Conversations: Number of chats initiated by the employees of the firm.
  • Source: Source through which the company's employee visited your website.
  • Contacts: Total number of contacts from the company.


In this tab, you can view all the conversations made by the employees of the company. You can click on a specific chat to view the conversation in detail. The date and time, operator attended, and the status of the conversation will be displayed here. You can perform a follow up on the conversation by clicking Send Email at the bottom or the clicking the mail icon on the top right. The conversation can be used to analyze the contact and approach them accordingly.


It gives a timeline view of all the activities performed by the contact in a session, and activities carried out by the operator for the contact. Activities are categorized in sessions; click on a particular session to list all the session's activities.

The below details will be listed:

Landing Page - Clicking on the link will take you to the page visited by the contact.

Date and Time of Visit - Date and time at which the contact accessed the landing page.

Pages accessed - All the pages accessed by the contact throughout the visit will be listed.

Chat Initiated - Clicking 'Chat initiated' will open the chat transcript, displaying only the operator's initial chat.

Chat Ended - Clicking on 'Chat ended' will open the chat transcript, displaying the contact's entire chat conversation with your operators.

Email Sent - To view the contact's email, click on the "Mail Sent" and the mail will be displayed in a separate column.

Note Added - Clicking on "Notes" will display the added notes in a separate column.

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