Google Analytics helps you to audit the number of people who have visited your ecommerce site at any given point of time. This helps you set business strategies that will elevate your business.
Use the Google Analytics report to monitor the performance of your website, in terms of sales and number of views.
Measure the average revenue using the revenue performance graph in the sales performance section.
Monitor the sales of every product at any particular point of time, and the identify drop point.
Monitor the number of customers who drop out at different levels of shopping.
This data can give you an insight into which stage exactly you might be losing customers and take appropriate action.
In Zoho Commerce, go to Settings > Google Analytics/Ads & Webmaster Tools under SEO.
Paste the Tracking ID in the Google Analytics Measurement ID text box.
Click Save.
Ensure that the Enable Ecommerce and Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting toggles are turned on.
Google Analytics reports enable you to:
Review sales and revenue data at any given time of the year.
Compare the data between two chosen attributes, such as a comparative graph of revenue and conversion rate.
View the status of sales, revenue, and performance, even on an hourly basis.
Review and analyze the performance of each product individually.
Identify the coupon codes that have generated prime sales during peak times.
Track the average order value of every ecommerce transaction.
Manage the inventory by calculating the number units sold of any given product.
Calculate the average price of any product.
Click Conversions > Ecommerce.
Select the date range:
The top-right corner denotes the date range for which the sales data is to be displayed.
Click on the date range to alter it.
Click the Date Range dropdown to select between the different date ranges.
Check the Compare to box to compare your current data with any of the selected date range in the dropdown list.
Click Apply to view data in the date range that you have selected.
Click Cancel to undo the date range selection.
Select the time:
Click the Hourly button in the top-left corner to view your store sales data on a hourly- basis.
Click the Day button in the top-left corner to view your store sales data on a specific day.
Click the Week button in the top-left corner to view your store sales data on a particular day.
Click the Month button in the top-left corner to view your store sales data for a specific month.
Top Sellers
Revenue column displays the revenue earned by every product. The % Product Revenue column denotes the percentage of revenue earned by every product.
Select Product Category (Enhanced Ecommerce) to view the same data based on the product category.
The number of shoppers who checked into your site
The number of shoppers who viewed your products
The shoppers who added products to your cart
The shoppers who checked out their products in their cart, immediately after adding them.
The shoppers who paid for their orders and completed the transaction hand in hand.
The thin white line represents the shoppers who added products to the cart and checked them out at a later time.
The X axis represents the number of shoppers. The Y axis represents the drop off after login, delivery, shipping, and after placing the order.
Similar to the shopping behavior analysis, the date range can be altered in the calendar on top right corner.
From left to right:
The number of shoppers who dropped off after logging in to your site
The number of shoppers who dropped off after providing their delivery address
The shoppers who dropped off after providing their shipping address
The shoppers who dropped off after placing the order
The shoppers who competed their shopping by proceeding to the final transaction session
Go to Conversions > Ecommerce > Product Performance to view the performance of products in your ecommerce store.
Click the Product Revenue drop-down to choose between different attributes to compare with. The product revenue can be compared with any other attribute in the form of a graph.
Click Select a metric drop down box to choose any metric to compare with the attribute in the adjacent drop-down box.
Click any of the product titles in the Product column to view the performance of that particular product.
Click the serial number in the Product SKU column to view details such as the sales performance of the product, the quantity sold, and the shopping behavior.
Go to Conversions > Ecommerce > Sales Performance to view the sales performance of any particular product in your ecommerce store.