Use the following XMLData parameters while using insertRecords and updateRecords methods: insertRecords: https:// xml / Leads /insertRecords?apikey= API Key &ticket= Ticket ticket=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ...
Since the 'Contact ID' is a system field, you cannot overwrite any of those values. When you overwrite records using the import function, the system will identify all matching records using email for Leads/Contacts, Name for Accounts and more. If you ...
No, you cannot use the getRelatedRecords method for custom lookup fields. It is possible to use this method to fetch related records for the system defined items. For example: You can get the Tasks/Events/Calls related to an Account, Contact, etc. ...
You can set your Caller ID to be displayed dynamically based on your location. To do this, Click Phone System > Users > (Select User) > Outbound Caller ID > By Feature. Select Current Location as the value under Ringout from Web. If the numbers ...