FAQs on Email

FAQs on Email

1. I have a limit of 500 emails per day but can send only 300 emails, as duplicate emails get sent to the same contact. How can I prevent duplicates from being sent while sending mass emails?

You can prevent duplication by enabling a duplicate check for the email address as a unique field. Follow these steps to enable the duplicate check:
  • Go to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields.
  • Select the Leads module.
  • Go to the Email Address field, click More [...] and select Do not allow duplicate values.
  • Click Save. 
You can now avoid duplicate email addresses. 

2. Does Zoho CRM have an automated email generator option in the Leads section? Can leads be imported in the CSV format to auto-generate those emails?

Zoho CRM doesn't have an automated email generator option in the Leads section.
However, you can generate web forms to capture leads from your website. Read more about generating web forms here.
You can then import leads in the CSV format, and create a workflow rule to automatically send emails to these leads.

3. Emails that should be in my inbox end up going to spam. How do I prevent this?

If legitimate emails are marked as spam, right click on the particular email and mark it as Not Spam. 
When the emails are marked appropriately, Zoho Mail automatically adjusts the classification and whitelists these senders. If the emails go to spam even after the sender's address has been whitelisted, it could either be due to incorrect standards followed by the server through which the email has been sent, or due to SPF failure. 

4. My mass email limit has not been exceeded. Why am I still unable to send more emails in bulk?

You may be unable to send more emails in bulk if you're using a different Zoho CRM Edition. Your mass email count is calculated on a day-to-day basis, where 12 AM to 11.59 PM GMT is considered one day, based on your organization's time zone.
The mass emails per day include Auto-responders, active Email SchedulersMacros and Mass emails.
You can increase your mass email limit to 2250 per day, per organization at an additional cost. Please write to us at sales@zohocorp.com to increase your mass email limit. Also, check out the Zoho Campaigns Integration with Zoho CRM. You can easily plan, execute campaigns and track the responses from contacts in CRM to make better sales decisions.

5. How do I get the Calendar event that I accepted in Zoho Mail appear in my Zoho CRM calendar by default?
  1. Go to Settings and 'Select Calendar invites by email' section. 
  2. Under the option Add Invites by email to select Zoho CRM calendar. 

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