FAQs on Contacts

FAQs on Contacts

1. While importing contacts into Zoho CRM, can I also import notes available with the corresponding contacts?

While importing contacts, you need to map the Notes column in the import file with the Description field of Zoho CRM. This will help you import the notes along with the contacts.

2. How to create a Contacts List View with empty email value?

You can create a List View for contacts with an empty email value by specifying the Filter criteria as Email is Empty. 
Note: If you had created a custom field such as Email Address, then you need to specify the same field in the criteria. Example: Email Address is Empty.

3. How do I send an auto response to the contacts that are captured through web forms?

You can send automated emails to your new contacts using the Email Notification option provided while creating the web forms. 
You can also create an Auto Response Rule that allows you to send automated emails when a specific rule criteria is satisfied. When a lead is generated through web forms, you may want to send appropriate emails to the leads with different types of requests. In such cases, you can create an auto response rule with specific rule criteria. When a condition is satisfied, the corresponding email is sent. You can create many auto response rules but only one auto response rule can be active at a time. 

4. How to associate multiple contacts with a deal?

Each deal is associated to an account and each account can have multiple contacts associated to that account. Contacts that are associated to an account can also be associated to the deal. To add more than one contact to a deal, follow these steps: 
  1. Click the Deals tab.
  2. In the Deals page, select the record you want to associate the contacts to.
  3. In the Deal Details page, under Contact Roles related list, click Add Contact Roles.

  4. In the Contact Roles Mapping page, all the contacts associated to the account are listed.
  5. Select the check box(es) of the contacts that you want to associate.
  6. Select the Contact Role from the drop-down list for the respective contacts.
  7. Click Save.
Note: If the Deal's account does not have any contact associated to it, then it will not be listed in the Contact Roles Mapping page.

5. How to import a CSV file with multiple contacts associated to a single Account/ Company Name?

You can import a CSV file with multiple contacts associated to a single account or company name by adding a column for the Account Name and another column for related contacts in the CSV File. 

If you import contacts using only the account or company name, and you don't have an existing account, then an account gets created with only the account name. 
If you already have the accounts' information in the file, you can first import the accounts by mapping the fields related to that account and then import contacts by mapping the account name.
This will help you create contacts under the same Account or Company Name.
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