FAQs on Blueprint

FAQs on Blueprint

1. Is there a limit to the number of Blueprints I can create in Zoho CRM?

Yes. Blueprint is available from the Professional Edition onwards. From Professional edition onwards there is one default Blueprint  available in Zoho CRM. However, the allowed limit varies from edition to edition.

Click here to check the number of blueprints allowed per organisation (inclusive of default Blueprints) with different editions of Zoho CRM.

2. How to find out the number of records that are currently in a Blueprint and number of records that have completed the Blueprint process?

You can check for these details by going to Setup > Automation > Blueprint > Usage.  
You will not only get reports of how many records are in a Blueprint and how many records have completed processing a Blueprint, but also reports on
  1. Average time per Blueprint
  2. Average time per state
  3. Active records in a Blueprint
  4. Completed records
  5. Transition occurence
  6. Number of records in a Blueprint
  7. Duration of states.

3.  Is it possible to send email alerts after a transition has taken place in Blueprint?

Yes, you can configure your Blueprint to send email alerts after transitions. You just need to configure the transition by choosing Email Alerts under the After Transition stage of your Blueprint. Read more about actions that can be automated in the After Transition section here.

4. Why are the records not entering the Blueprint process even though they meet the criteria?
  1. A Blueprint is disabled by default. Make sure that it is enabled. 
  2. A Blueprint could be created for specific layouts. Verify if the record in question belongs to the layout specified in the Blueprint settings. 
  3. If your Blueprint entry criteria contains an unused State in the Blueprint, the record would have entered the process, but transitions will not be shown for that record, as the State is not even part of the Blueprint.

5. Can Workflow or Approval Process or Assignment Rules override a Blueprint?

Other than Workflow, no other automation tool can override any action of Blueprint.

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