FAQs on Accounts

FAQs on Accounts

1. How to associate a group of accounts under a single parent account?

In Zoho CRM's Accounts module, you can create Child Accounts under a Parent Account using the Member Accounts option. Member Accounts are secondary accounts added to an existing parent account. This allows having separate accounts with different divisions within a parent company, thus providing the scope to view individual accounts as well as the consolidated accounts within the parent account.

2. Can I email all contacts related to an Account?

To email all contacts related to an account, follow these steps:
  1. Create a List View based on a criteria that filters out the records that need to be mailed. You need to create this view for the Contacts.
  2. Use the Mass Email feature to send bulk emails to all contacts in that List View. Please note that you cannot send emails from the Accounts tab

3. Can I convert an Account to a Lead?

No, you cannot convert an account to a lead. In Zoho CRM, only leads can be converted to accounts, contacts, and potentials. Once a lead is converted, you cannot change it back to a lead.

4. How to provide users access to view only the Accounts and Contact data?

You can restrict or provide access to the various features and data in CRM, through Profiles. When creating the profile, you can specify the access that can be given to the users: View, Create, Edit or Delete. For more details on how to create profiles with restricted access, see Managing Profiles and Managing Users.

5. Can I convert a Lead to a Deal without creating an Account?

No. Converting a Lead to a Deal by default always creates an Account and a Contact (as in a typical B2B scenario).

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