Failed Payments

Failed Payments

Your customers’ failed transactions get recorded in this section. You could convert them to paid or unpaid orders, or send the order as an abandoned cart recovery email.


To access and modify your store's failed payments:

  1. Go to Settings > Reports.

  2. Clicked Failed Payments under Payment.

  3. Click Convert corresponding to the customer’s name.

  4. You can choose to do any of three actions:

  • Confirm the order if you've received the payment.

  • Confirm the order with an offline payment method if you haven't received the payment.

  • Send an email to the customer containing the cart link.

Choose Convert to paid order if the transaction went through. This will confirm the order.

Choose Convert to unpaid order if the transaction hasn’t gone through, but you want to confirm the order with an offline payment method.

Choose Send cart link as email if you want to send their order as part of a recovery email, using which the customer can retry payment.

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