Enrich visitors' company details with Zia profile enrichment

Enrich visitors' company details with Zia profile enrichment

Now Zia can provide information about visitors' company based on their email domain without any third party integrations like Clearbit - Enrichment and Leadberry. With Zia profile enrichment you can get instant access to in-depth data about your prospects, such as business, contact, social data, and visitor metrics. 

The Zia profile enrichment provides up to date information about the company of the visitors. You can use the data to analyze the companies and improve your B2B sales. The data makes it easier for the operators to reach out to the companies. 

How to enable Zia profile enrichment?

  •  In Settings > Global settings > Operator interface , scroll down to Profile enrichment.
  • Toggle the switch to enable Zia profile enrichment. 
  • Now you can view details about visitors company info on the Zia profile enrichment widget in the chat window and the company module inside People. 

  • Zia profile enrichment is available only for enterprise users.
  • Other enrichment integrations like Leadberry and Clearbit - Enrichment must be turned off to enable Zia profile enrichment. 

How to view the visitors' company info?

  • In SalesIQ dashboard, navigate to People > Company, click on the company you want to view and click on the company info tab.
  • In the company info tab, you can view various essential information about the company.

 Company information

  • Name: The name of the company.
  • Employee Count: The number of employees working in the organization.
  • Phone No: The phone number of the company.
  • Domain: The official website of company.

Company visit information

  • First visited: The first day when an employee of the company landed on your website.
  • Last visited: The most recent visit made by an employee of the company.
  • Visits: Number of visits made by the employees of the Organization.
  • Conversations: Number of chats initiated by the employees of the firm.
  • Source: Source through which the company's employee visited your website.
  • Contacts: Total number of contacts from the company.

How to view the visitor's company info in the chat window?

You can view details about the visitor's company right inside the operator chat window, using the Profile enrichment widget. The widget will show details about the visitors company based on their email address. Operators can use this widget to get more details about the company can converse with the visitors accordingly.

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