Email Signature

Email Signature

You can now change the stereotype email signatures and explore Zoho SalesIQ’s Chat signature, and allow your email recipients to strike a conversation instantly from the emails you send. You can also set-up your company info, contact, address and much more in the email-recipient chat page. 

Benefits of Email Signature:

  1. Email Signatures allows recipients to reach out to your operators instantly from the emails you send.
  2. A well-designed email signature is a perfect way to promote your latest campaign or promotion - and drive credibility for your brand.

How do I get the signature chat code?

You can use this code, if your email client accepts HTML Code to get the signature from Zoho SalesIQ. You can copy and paste the unique snippet code into your right signature directories, to get the signature chat widget in the mails which you send.

Method 1: Add signature code via insert HTML option

  1. Go to Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name > Installation > Email Signature .
  2. Copy the Signature code.
  3. In your Email client, navigate to the signature chat settings page.
  4. Paste the code it in the Insert HTML  option. 
  5. Now, you can view the  SalesIQ widget on the signature chat. 

Method 2: Add signature using image and redirection URL

If your email does not support the HTML code, use the method shown below,
  1. Image URL  – To pull out the image from Zoho SalesIQ to your email signature.
  2. Redirection URL  – Add this Link URL to the signature image to open up a signature chat page for your email recipient on clicking over it.
  1. In the Zoho SalesIQ dashboard, go to  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name > Installation > Email Signature .
  2. Copy the image URL.
  3. In your email client's signature chat settings page, paste the link it in the Insert image by URL option.
  4. In SalesIQ Email signature page, copy the  Redirection URL. 
  5. Select the image and use the hyperlink option to paste the copied Redirection URL Now, click save.
  6. Once the customer clicks on the image, they'll be redirected and can connect with you instantly via chat. 

The above steps may vary based on your email client. To know more specific steps for your email client, please check out dedicated instruction for your email client below:

How do I get the operator specific signature chat code?

On adding the operator specific signature chat code to your email client, the replies to the email via chat will be notified only to the specified operator. Copy and paste this unique code into your right signature directories as directed.
  1. Go to Settings > Operators > Operator name and click on Setup Email Signature .
  2. Choose a brand and then choose a theme.
  3. Click on Get this code .

  1. Copy the code and use one of the methods mentioned above to add the signature to your emails. 
  2. You can view the preview email on the right side. 

How do I change the signature chat widget theme?

  1. Go to  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature  and click on  Customisation .

  1. Select a pre-defined theme that suits your email template and the chat signature page.

How do I add my custom signature chat widget theme?

To include customised images in your email signatures:
  1. Go to  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature  and click on  Customisation .
  2. Click on  Upload  and upload the customised images.

Where do I edit the appearance of the chat window?

  1. Go to  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name > Personalization  and click on  Appearance .
  2. Here, you can customize the appearance of the chat window, change configurations, and configure response messages.
  3. Then, save the changes made.

How do I customize the Landing page?

You can now change the background image that appears in the email recipient landing page by choosing a pre-defined image, or by uploading your custom image with the touch of your website.
  1. Go to  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature  and click on  Customization .
  2. Click on Landing Page.
  3. Choose a background from the image gallery. 
  4. You can also upload and use your custom image here.
  5. Then, click Save

How do I Enable/disable the signature chat?

  1. Go to  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature  and click on the enable/disable toggle button.

Initiating a chat from the signature chat window

Once your Email recipient has entered all the required fields, with the required question they can initiate a chat to you directly from the signature chat page. However, you should be logged in to Zoho SalesIQ web or mobile app to get notification and reply back.

How do I add signature chat to the e-mails sent from Zoho SalesIQ?

You can add signature chat to the emails sent from Zoho SalesIQ with ease. You Just have to enable and select the required signature theme in the websites section, and add an e-mail signature to all the mails sent to your visitors to chat back in one click.
  1. Go to  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature  and click on the enable button.
  2. Click on Customisation .
  3. Choose a pre-defined signature chat theme or upload your custom theme and click Save.

Zoho CRM

Add your Zoho SalesIQ Signature chat to the mails sent out to your customers from Zoho CRM, and get connected instantly to your customers from the mails you send. 
  1. In Zoho CRM, go to Setup >  General > Personal Settings >  Signature.
  2. In the adding email signature page, select Edit HTML 
  3. Now, copy the signature chat code from the  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature   section.
  4. Then, paste it in the Edit HTML window of Zoho CRM and click Insert .
  5. Now, you can view the signature chat  displayed in the body section. Click Save 
  6. The signature chat  is added to the emails you send via Zoho CRM.

Zoho Desk

Add Zoho SalesIQ Signature chat in your reply emails sent from Zoho Desk, and get connected with your customers in real time. 
  1. In Zoho Desk, goto Setup >  Customize > Personal Settings >  Preferences > Signatures > View Signature .
  2. In the adding email signature page, select Insert HTML from the Insert drop-down. 
  3. Now, copy the signature chat code from the  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature   section.
  4. Then, paste it in the Insert HTML window of Zoho Desk and click Insert .
  5. Now you can view the chat signature displayed in the body section, click Save 

Zoho Mail

You can add signature chat for the emails sent from Zoho Mail. You have to copy the link from the Zoho SalesIQ and paste it into the right directories.
  1. In Zoho Mail, goto Settings > Signatures 
  2. Click Add a new signature .
  3. Enter a signature name and click on the Insert HTML option.
  4. The insert HTML window appears.
  5. Now, copy the signature chat code from the  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature   section.
  6. Then, paste it in the Insert HTML of Zoho Mail and click Ok .
  7. Now you can view the chat signature displayed in the body section, click Save .
  8. When you draft a new email, you can see the signature chat included.


Setting up Signature Chat in your Gmail account:

Now, Zoho SalesIQ signature chat has broader usage as it can be used in your Gmail. You can send the business e-mails and get replies through chat.
  1. After logging into your Gmail account, click the Settings icon at the right.Then, select the Settings from the drop down.
  2. In the General tab, scroll down to Signature section.
  3. Click the Insert image icon, and select the option Web address URL. 
  4. Now, copy the signature chat code from the  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature   section.
  5. Now select the inserted image, and click Insert link icon. Select the option Web address. 
  6. Now, copy the signature chat code from the  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature   section.
  7. The signature chat is added to your Gmail. Now, the customers can connect and reply to the emails you send instantly.

Microsoft Outlook

Add Zoho SalesIQ Signature chat in your reply emails sent from Microsoft Outlook, and swiftly get connected with your customers in real time.
  1. In Microsoft Outlook, click Settings icon >View all Outlook settings > Mail >Compose and reply.
  1. Now, navigate to  Settings > Personalize > Brands > Brand name >  Installation  > Email Signature   section and copy the Image URL

  1. Paste the copied link in the browser's address bar to download the Signature image file.
  2. In the Email Signature section, click on the insert image icon and select the downloaded Signature Image file.
      Note : Make sure to select " All Files " while searching for the downloaded file. 
  1. Then, choose the downloaded image to insert the Signature Image.

  1. In SalesIQ email signature page, copy the Redirection link. 

  1. In Microsoft outlook email signature settings, select the Signature image and click the link option and paste the Redirection link, and click Save .

  1. Now, when composing your email. Click More options icon at the bottom and Insert the Signature at the end before sending the email.

  1. When the recipient clicks on the signature link, they will land on the Email recipient page. Learn how to setup the email recipient page
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