Email Limits

Email Limits

In Zoho CRM, you can either send bulk emails or individual emails. Following are the limits for sending emails based on your account's Edition. Please note that email limits will be set based on the organization's time zone.
Mass emails and emails sent from the organization email address (setup in Zoho CRM) will be sent from Zoho's server.

Limits for Individual Emails

The email limit for the organization will be calculated based on the total number of confirmed and active users in the account.

  • In the Free and Trial Editions – The email limit will be calculated by the total number of confirmed users x 50 (emails). In Free edition, only 3 confirmed users can be added in the organization account, therefore the limit for each user will be 50 emails/day (12 AM to 11.59 PM in your organization's time zone is considered as one day). These 150 emails can either be shared between the three users, or a single user can send all the 150 emails.
The total email limit of an organization takes both emails that are sent as "To" and "CC" into account. For example, if 50 email addresses are inserted in the "To" field and 100 email addresses in the "CC" field, then the total email limit for the day will be reached. This applies only to the Free and Trial editions.
  • In the Paid Editions – The email limit will be calculated by the total number of confirmed users x 300 (emails). There can be "n" number of confirmed users in the paid edition, therefore an organization can send up to n x 300 emails in a day (12 AM to 11.59 PM in your organization's time zone is considered as one day). These n x 300 emails can either be shared between the users, or a single user can send all n x 300 emails. 
    For example, assume you have 5 active and confirmed users in your organization’s account. As the limit for each user is 300 emails/day, the total number of emails per day, per organization can be up to 1500 (300 x 5) emails.

Limits for Mass Emails

  • You can send mass emails based on the subscribed CRM Edition.
    • Standard Edition – 250 per day.
    • Professional Edition – 500 per day.
    • Enterprise Edition – 1000 per day.
    • Ultimate Edition - 2000 per day.
  • 12 AM to 11.59 PM in your organization's time zone is considered as one day, to calculate the email count.
  • The mass emails per day, per company includes Autoresponders, active email SchedulersMacros, and Mass emails.
  • You can also increase the mass email limit up to 2500 per day, per organization for an additional cost. Please write to us at to increase your mass email limit.

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