Email Deliverability

Email Deliverability

Email authentication is a standard technique to improve the deliverability of the emails you send from Bigin using your domain. You can use this process to increase the trustworthiness of the emails sent from your domain thereby lowering the chances of your emails being marked as spam or junk. To authenticate your emails sent from Bigin, you need to validate the following authentication standards:

  • Domain Verification

  • DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail

  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework)


Users with administrator profile can access this feature.

Authenticating your email is a 3-step process:

  1. Add domain
  2. Verify the domain
  3. Validate the email source

Step 1: Add domain:

Domain verification is essential to establish that the emails sent from your organization are authentic and trustworthy. Add your organization's domain or subdomain that you want to verify. If you add multiple domains, each domain will be added as a separate row in the Deliverability settings. To add domain,
  1. Go to Settings > Channels > Email > Deliverability.
  2. In the Deliverability page, click the Add Domain icon.
  3. In the Add Domain pop-up, enter the email address.

  4. Click Add Domain.
    A verification code will be sent to the email address mentioned.

Step 2: Verify domain:

Once you add the domain, a verification code is sent to the email address that you entered. You must enter the code to verify the domain details. Note that this verification code is valid for 15 days only. In case you do not receive an email or you have exhausted the validity period, the Resend Mail option will send another email with a new verification code.
  1. Under the Deliverability tab, click Domain > Enter Code.
  2. In the Verify Domain popup, enter the Verification code.

  3. Click Verify.

Step 3: Validate the email source:

The last step is to validate the email source using either the SPF or DKIM authentication standards.
  1. Under the Deliverability tab, click Domain > Validate Records.
  2. In the Authenticate Domain popup, copy the SPF or DKIM record code.

  3. Paste the code in your DNS settings. You might need your IT Admin's help in this step.
  4. Click Validate Record, once the code is added.

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