Dynamic text

Dynamic text

  • You can use pre-defined dynamic text & information collected from the visitor in your consequent cards for a more personalized message.

List of dynamic text that you can use:

Dynamic Text FormatWhat it representsUse in welcome cardUse in consequent cards
%visitor.name%Name of the visitor on the website.
%visitor.id%Reference ID for the visitor on the website. 
%visitor.email%Email Address of the visitor on the website.
%visitor.phone%The contact number of the visitor.
%visitor.department%Name of the department to which the visitor has initiated the chat.
%visitor.question%The question raised by the visitor while initiating the chat. 
%visitor.ip%The IP address of the visitor visiting the website.
%attender.name%Name of the operator attending the chat.
%visitor.pagetitle%Title of the page from where the visitor has initiated the chat.
%visitor.pageurl%URL of the page from where the visitor has initiated the chat.
%visitor.referrer%Source from where the visitor is referred from.
%visitor.state%State/Province of the visitor.
%visitor.city%City of the visitor.
%visitor.country%Country of the visitor accessing the website.
%visitor.timezone%Time zone of the visitor accessing the website.
%visitor.latitude%Latitude of the visitor. 
%visitor.longitude%Longitude of the visitor. 
%visitor.operating.system%The operating system used by the visitor.
%visitor.browser%The browser used by the visitor.
%visitor.browser.version%The version of the browser used by the visitor. 
%web.embed.name%The web embed where the visitor has initiated the chat.
%platform%The platform used by the visitors in their system. 
%screen.resolution%Screen resolution of the visitor's system. 
%search.engine%The search engine used by the visitor to reach the website. 
%search.query%Search Query (Keyword)used by the visitor to reach the website. 
%attender.email%The email address of the attendee who attends the chat.
%smart.timenow%The time period in the sequence of the day (Eg. Morning, Evening).
%company.name%Company name mentioned in Clearbit.
%company.type%Company type mentioned in Clearbit.
%company.sector%Company sector mentioned in Clearbit.
%company.location%Company location mentioned in Clearbit.
%company.website%Company website mentioned in Clearbit.
%company.employeecount%Company's employee count mentioned in Clearbit.
%company.annualrevenue%Company's annual revenue mentioned in Clearbit.
%company.marketcapital%Company's market capital mentioned in Clearbit.
%company.fundraised%Company fund details present in Clearbit.
%company.twitterfollowers%Your company's Twitter followers from Clearbit.
%company.facebooklikes%The likes you got on Facebook registered in Clearbit.
%company.industrytype%The industry type your company belongs to.


Note: The dynamic text can be invoked by just using % in the message box.

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