Delete your Bigin account

Delete your Bigin account

You can delete your Bigin account if you want to discontinue Bigin service. Deleting your Zoho Bigin account does not lock you out of all other Zoho services. After closing the Zoho Bigin account, you can still continue to access other Zoho services without hassles with the same email address.

Keep the following points in mind before opting to delete your Bigin account. 

Export records
Export the records that you might need from your Bigin account as it is not possible to recover the records once you delete your Bigin account. 

Remove telephony
Remove the subscription for the in-built telephony account.

Downgrade edition
If you have a paid edition, you must downgrade to the Free edition.

Remove users
Deactivate all users if there are multiple active users. You can delete a single user or personal account immediately, provided it is subscribed to the Free edition.
Delete Bigin Account
7 days after the deactivation of the last active user in the account or cancellation of subscription (downgrading from paid edition), the Delete Bigin account link will be available in the Company details page.

To delete your account

  1. Go to Settings > Organization 
  2. Click the Delete Bigin account link.

  3. Read the warning message and confirm the action.
    You will be logged out of your account and a system generated email regarding the account closure will be sent to you.

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