Data Backup

Data Backup

Keep CRM data safe and always accessible with Data Backup

Help guide

  1. Requesting Data Backup

    • Related Articles

    • Troubleshooting Data Backup

      1. My scheduled data backup is not ready for download in CRM. What should I do? The screenshot below is the default data backup screen in Zoho CRM and will appear when there is no data backup schedules. The screenshot below shows what the page will ...
    • Requesting Data Backup

      Data Backup allows you to maintain a copy of CRM data that may be mandatory in to abide by company's guidelines and regulations. It also helps to have a copy of previous data for reference.  Availability  Permission Required Users with administrative ...
    • Can I move deals to a particular pipeline and assign a stage during data migration or import?

      Migrating from another CRM: When you migrate from another CRM, the Pipeline field will be available during field mapping. The deals will be assigned to the layout's pipeline based on this field. If the deals that are to be migrated do not have a ...
    • Can I change the data type for the custom field that I already created?

      No, you cannot change the data type for the custom field that you have already created. For example, if you create a currency custom field, you cannot change it to a text field.
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      The data controller can choose from six data processing bases. These are: 1. Contract- This applies when you need to process the customer's personal data to fulfill your contractual obligations, or to take some action based on the customer's request ...