Customer Support - An Overview

Customer Support - An Overview

Zoho CRM provides the Customer Support & Service management (Help Desk) features, such as Cases (Trouble tickets), Solutions (Knowledge base), Case Routing & Escalation through Workflow rules, and easy to deploy Web-to-Case forms for capturing customer-specific cases through Websites. In addition, you can synchronize customer-specific email messages as Cases from Microsoft Outlook mail client to the Cases module in Zoho CRM.

The Cases and Solutions functionality can be used to streamline organization-wide Customer Support processes by integrating Sales & Customer Support in a single system. Integration between Sales and Post-sales support management helps organizations in resolving the customer reported cases in the least possible time, enhancing customer satisfaction and allowing for more cross-selling and up-selling opportunities in future.

Cases refer to the feedback received from the customers on various issues pertaining to the use of products or services.

Solutions refer to the resources within the organization that enables solving repetitive problems encountered by customers.
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