Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Custom product fields will allow you to either display additional information for your products or fetch specific information from your customers. This field can be used to gather product related data, like a brand name, or a message that needs to be printed, or notes related to the product like a size or packaging requirement that the customer may have.


 Create Custom Fields 

All custom fields you create get added to your products by default. You can group custom fields into layouts to customize them according to your product.
Go to Settings > Custom Fields under General.

  1. Click Add Field.

  2. Provide your field a name using Field Label.

  3. Choose your Field Type from the drop-down. The following options are available:

     Text Box (Single line)

     Text Box (Multi line)
     Phone Number
     Number, Decimal
     Decision Box (Checkbox)
     Auto-Generate Number
    ➤ Multi Select

    5. Choose the level of PII (personally identifiable information) sensitivity of the data. Confirm your data sensitivity level by selecting the appropriate radio button. 
Note: Personal data needs to be protected for the sake of GDPR. It needs to be protected and encrypted to prevent it from being accessed by unauthorized persons. This is why it is important to choose the appropriate data type.
  1. Select whether you want to display data or a message, or to fetch input data from your customers.

  2. Enable the toggle to make the field Available. Disable toggle if you don't want the custom field to appear while adding products.

  3. Enable the Make Mandatory toggle so that this field is mandatory while the customer adds this product to their cart. 

Note: This feature helps merchants to collect personalized messages for such customizable products in the store.

  1. Enable Show in Order Details toggle to allow inputs from customers to be included in the order details page.  

  2. Enable Show in PDF toggle to include this custom field in invoices and packaging slip PDF.

  3. Click Save.


  • If you select Auto-Generate Number as your data type, enter the prefix, starting number, and suffix. Numbers will get auto-generated from the starting number that you’ve entered.

  • If you selected Dropdown or Multi Select, enter your options and your default value.

  • A maximum of 44 custom fields can be created.


 Edit and Delete Custom Fields 

  1. Go to Products > Custom Fields under General.

      2. Hover over the custom field you want to edit and click the Edit [] icon.

  1. Click Save.

Note:  The field type and display type can't be changed once added.

  1. To delete a custom field, hover over the field you want to delete and click the Delete [] icon.


 Reorder Custom Fields 

  1. Go to Products > Custom Fields under General.

  2. Click the Ellipsis [] icon adjacent to the custom field and drag the custom field to your preferred location.

  1. Click Save. Alternatively, click Reset to go back to your default order.


 Create Layouts 

Layouts are groups of custom fields. Create a layout so that you can easily add a set of custom fields to your product. 
  1. Go to Settings > Custom Fields under General.
       2. Switch to the Layout tab, then click Add Layout.

  1. Enter a Layout Name and Description.

      4. Check the custom fields that you want to add to your layout.

  1. Click Save.


 Adding Layouts to Products  

All custom fields with the Available toggle enabled are added to your products by default. To change the custom fields you want to show for a particular product, choose the layout accordingly.
  1. Go to Products and click the Edit [] icon on the corresponding product.
  2. Alternatively, click Add Product to add a layout to a new product.

  3. Scroll down to the Custom Fields section, then select Layout from the dropdown box.

  1. Click Save.

Note: You will not be able to enter any message while adding or editing products if you have chosen the field to be a Get input field.

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