Creating Private Email Conversations

Creating Private Email Conversations

Ticket conversations are public that shows up for customers in the Help Center. But, what if you want to engage with someone without the conversation ending up in your customer's inbox? The ability to exchange private email conversations helps you in these situations.

With private conversations, you can forward tickets, converse with external agents and consultants, and quickly resolve problems on the same ticket without notifying the customer until you wish to. You only need to mark the conversation as 'private' for the customer to be kept away from internal ticket conversations.

Why not Private Comments?
Private comments are great for quick suggestions or interactions with agents. However, it doesn't work when you need advice from agents outside of your department or from consultants who don't belong to Zoho Desk.

Creating Private Conversations
Conversations are marked private during the following situations:
  • Forwarded emails: When an agent forwards a ticket, the resulting conversation is marked as private. This is irrespective of the original sender being the recipient. All replies to a private conversation will also remain private.
  • Recipient is not the sender: When a ticket reply (or reply all) doesn't include the email address of the original sender (i.e., contact) in "To" or "Cc" fields, the resulting thread is marked as private. If this feature is not available, you might need to ask your administrator to enable it for your Zoho Desk (see Automatically set ticket threads as private based on recipients).

  • Workflows are not triggered for private conversations.
  • Private conversations are not considered for response time calculations.
  • Private conversations won't trigger "contact" notifications. This is to ensure that customers don’t receive unnecessary notifications whenever private conversations are created.
  • Any conversations created from replies to notification emails of agents are always marked a private.
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