Creating Dashboards

Creating Dashboards

Analytics is a summarized view of the custom report data in Zoho CRM. It provides a platform for a real-time analysis of the sales stages and business operations. You can create a dashboard and share it with all the users or few selected users. You can also create private dashboards that will be accessible only to you.
The Dashboards tab is renamed as Analytics for selected accounts.
Permission Required
Users with Analytics and Manage Reports permission in their profile can access this feature.

Create Dashboard

Depending on your business requirement you can create dashboards to get an overview of varied business activities such as, email analytics, lead status, marketing metrics, activity stats and so on. Further, you can share these dashboards with selected or all users in your organization.
  1. If a dashboard is shared with all users in the organization, the data in it will be visible only to those users who have the permission to view the field. For example, if you create chart for industry-wise revenue and share with all users, only those users who have the permission to view the Industry field will be able to see the chart.
  2. A user must have the permission to view dashboard enabled in their profile to be able to view the Dashboard tab. Read more Module permission

To create a dashboard

  1. Click the Dashboard or Analytics module from the Menu.
    If you can't find the Analytics in the Menu, click the More icon and look for the same.

  2. In the Dashboards or Analytics home page, click the Add (+) icon.
  3. Click Add Component, to add different components to your dashboard.
  4. In the  Dashboard   Builder  page, do the following:
    • Enter the Dashboard Name.
    • Select the users with whom you want to share the dashboard.
      • Only me - Accessible only to you.
      • All users - Shared to all users in your CRM.
      • Custom - Select users from different sources like list of users, roles & subordinates or groups.

5. Click Save.

Drill Down Dashboards

You can view a detailed report on the selected data in any dashboard report.

To drill-down dashboards
  1. Click the Dashboards or Analytics tab.
  2. In the Analytics Home page, select the required dashboard.
  3. In the selected dashboard, click on the data for which you need a detailed report.
  4. The data is displayed in the form of a report.
  5. In the Report page, you can export the data to PDF/XLS/CSV, save the report, customize it, or create a chart based on the details.
    See Also 
    Working with Reports

Add to Home or Favourite

This feature allows you to add the chart to the home page of your Zoho CRM.
To add the chart to your home page
  1. Click the Analytics tab.
  2. In the Analytics Home page, select the required dashboard.
  3. Click the More icon and select Add to Home or Add as Favorite.

Clone Dashboards

There can be instances when you want to create a dashboard with components that are already present in one of the existing dashboards. In such case, instead of creating a new dashboard, you can clone an existing one and make edits if necessary. You can clone the components too.
To clone a dashboard
  1. Go to the Analytics tab and click the More icon on the top right corner.
  2. Click Clone.
    You can rename the cloned dashboard.
  3. Click Save

View Dashboards

The dashboards present in your CRM account for your organization are categorized as follows:
  1. Favourites - Dashboards that you have marked as favourites. The dashboards can be reordered by clicking the reorder icon () at the bottom.
  2. Created by me - Custom dashboards created by you (the user).
  3. Shared with me -  Custom dashboards explicitly shared with you by any user in your CRM account.
  4. Public - Dashboards that are accessible to everyone in your CRM account. This also includes the default dashboards provided by Zoho CRM.
  5. Other user's dashboard - Custom Dashboards created by other users in your CRM account, which doesn't come under the above categories will be displayed. Only Admins and Super Admins will be able to see the dashboards created by other users.

Embed URL

You can embed the dashboard in any web page by copying the dashboard's URL and pasting it in the desired website. You can restrict the dashboard for specific domains by mentioning them as allowed domains. For example, if you want a chart to be displayed only in the .edu domain you can mention this domain in the allowed domain section. This will restrict users from other domains to view the chart. 
Avoid using the following special characters while entering domain details as it may cause validity issues: ^ { } | " < > ` multiple commas, and spaces (goo 

To embed dashboard URL
  1. Click the Dashboards or Analytics tab and select the desired dashboard.
  2. In the Dashboards Home page, select the required dashboard.
  3. Click the More icon and click Embed URL.
  4. From the Embed URL page, copy the dashboard's URL from the text box.
  5. In Allowed Domains, enter the domains where the dashboard should be displayed.
    This dashboard will be visible only in the mentioned domains. 
  6. Click Done. 

Delete system defined dashboards and components

CRM provides a set of system-defined dashboards and components that are most commonly used in businesses such as deals in the pipeline, sales by account, campaign vs. revenue etc.

These dashboards are available for Leads, accounts and contacts, cases and solutions, products, inventory, campaigns, and territory. All these system-defined dashboards like Lead analytics, Org Overview, Activity Stats etc. are public dashboards that are available for every CRM user.

By default, these dashboards are accessible to all users in the org and the permission cannot be modified. Sometimes if you do not require these dashboards, you can delete them from the org account. You can also delete components that are not used in your business. A user who has manage dashboard permission in their profile can delete these dashboards and the components in it.

Note: Deletion of dashboards does not apply to the Classic view.

To delete a dashboard

  1. Go to the Dashboards or Analytics tab.

  2. Select a system-defined dashboard from the drop-down list.
    All the system-defined dashboards will be displayed.

  3. Click the More icon, on the top right corner and click Delete.

To delete a component

  1. In the Org Overview Dashboard, go to the component you want to delete.

  2. Hover on the component and click the More icon.

  3. Select Delete from the drop-down list.

Clone and delete system defined components and dashboards

The system-defined dashboards and its components are displayed and accessible to all users in the org. If you want to delete them for other users and retain certain dashboards for a selected set of users, you can clone them and give permission to the selected users only.

Similarly, the admin can clone the dashboard and keep it for their reference by setting the permission as Only me.

Note: Once deleted the system defined dashboards cannot be retrieved. Hence, the best practice would be to clone it before deleting.
To clone and delete system defined dashboards

  1. Go to the Dashboards or Analytics tab.

  2. Select a dashboard from the drop-down list.
    Likewise, you can select a component in a dashboard.

  3. Click the More icon, on the top right corner and click Clone.
    The cloned dashboard will be named as [dashboard name_Cloned].

  4. Click the All users icon, next to Org Overview_cloned dashboard and select Only me or Custom, to set sharing permission.

  5. If you choose Custom Users, select the list of users with whom you want to share.

  6. Go to the original Org Overview Dashboard and click the More icon.

  7. Select Delete.
    In Are you sure you want to permanently delete the dashboard, click Delete.
    This action will permanently delete the dashboard and you will not be able to undo or retrieve it. 


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