Create and Manage Tags

Create and Manage Tags

Tags are labels that let you categorize records in a module based on certain characteristics. For example, if you want to categorize contacts based on their relationship with your business, you can use tags like 'customers', 'prospects', 'vendors', etc. The option to add tags is available in Contacts, Companies, Products, Deals and Activities modules.
Express and Premier Edition – Paid and Trial Versions.
  1. 10 tags (Express) and 30 tags (Premier) can be created per module for Contacts, Companies, Deals, Calls, Events, Tasks and Products.
  2. Only 5 tags can be associated to a record.
To add a tag to a record
  1. Go to the desired module and select the record for which you want to add a tag.
  2. In the Info tab, click the Tag icon.

  3. Enter the tag name.
  4. Choose a color for the tag > Click Done.

To delete a tag from a record 
  1. Go to the desired module and select the record from which you want to remove a tag.
  2. In the Info tab, click the Tag icon.
  3. Click the remove icon next to the tag that you want to delete.

Manage tags
You can add tags, delete tags, and view the records associated to a tag in a module from the Manage tags section. Please note that you cannot associate a tag to a record from the Manage tags section.

To manage tags
  1. Go to the desired module and open any record.
  2. Click the more icon > Manage Tags
  3. To view associated contacts, click the tag.

  4. To add a tag, click the '+' icon. Enter the tag name and click Save.

  5. To edit an existing tag, click the more icon > click Edit.
  6. To delete a tag, click the more icon > click Delete.
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