Create and Manage Deals

Create and Manage Deals

Deals are important as they generate revenue for the organization. Ideally, Deals undergo the complete sales cycle, right from identifying the right prospect to the deal being won or lost.
For example, you own a web hosting company called Zylker. James the Marketing Manager of XYZ corporation likes the package you offer for complete web hosting and wants you to host a website for his company and gets in touch with you regarding the same. 

Now, James is the Contact associated with the company XYZ Corporation. The deal here is hosting a website for XYZ Corporation. 
Before finalizing, the deal has to go through the following stages defined by Zylker. They are
  • Qualification
  • Needs Analysis
  • Identify Decision Makers
  • Quote price 
  • Negotiation
  • Closed won/lost
These stages are collectively known as Sales Pipeline. 
Likewise, many deals can pile up and there is a need for organizing them accordingly to ensure you achieve the expected revenue.
Bigin allows you to specify your sales process and start adding deals inside your account. You can see the number of deals present in a specific stage and how they are performing. Moving them across stages is done with a simple drag and drop. Various activities have to be performed to close a deal successfully. You might have to carry out certain tasks or get in touch with customers via call, etc. All these can also be recorded for a deal in your Bigin account.

Create Deal 

Bigin allows you to create Deals in the following ways:
  1. Create Deal individually
  2. Import deals 

Create Deals Individually

To create deals individually
  1. Go to the deals module and click .
  2. Enter the details in the Create deals page.

  3. Click Save.

Import Deals

When you have a huge list of deals in a spreadsheet and you would like to add them in your Bigin account, you can import the file and they will be added as Deals. See More.

View Deals

Bigin allows you to view the deals that you have created in two ways:
  1. List View
  2. Pipeline View

List View

The Deals list view displays the deals one after the other in rows and columns. The list view is helpful when you wish to see the maximum details of your deals at one glance.

Pipeline View

The pipeline view is helpful when you specifically want to see view deals categorized by their stages. A single glance at the pipeline view will tell you which deals are in the Closed Won stage, how many in the Closed Lost stage, Negotiation/Review stage and so on and so forth. This view is also applicable when you customize the Deal Stages.

Edit Deals

You can choose to edit the deals that you have created.

To edit Deals
  1. Go to the Deals module.
  2. Select either List View or Pipeline View
  3. Hover over the record which you would like to edit and click the edit button or select the record which you want to edit and click the edit button.

  4. Make the necessary changes and click Save.

Delete Deals

Deals once added can be deleted if no longer necessary.

To delete Deals
  1. Go to the Deals Module.
  2. Hover over the record which you would like to delete and click More > Delete.
    Alternately, select the record which you would like to delete and click More > Delete.

  3. Give your confirmation in the popup and the record will be deleted.

Moving a deal through stages

There are two ways in which you can move a deal to the next stage in your pipeline. You can simply click and drag the deal to the pipeline stage of your choice. When you start moving a deal, a toolbar appears at the bottom with the options such as: Delete Closed Lost and Closed Won. Drag and drop them into the respective boxes if you wish to do any of these three actions.

You can also move the deals through stages from the deals details page.

In the Deals Details page, the pipeline stages are displayed as a timeline. Simply click on the stage where you want your deal to be moved to, or click the drop down and choose the stage.

From Pipeline View

From Deals Details Page

Using filters to find records

When there are lot of records in the Deals module, using filters will help find the required set of records easily. There are various set of advanced filters available such as: Time based filters, based on activities carried out,  deal stage, email status, etc. You can simply choose the appropriate filter, enter the criteria and apply. All the records which maces the specified criteria will be listed. You can apply upto five filters at a time. See More.

Bulk actions in Deals module

There might be situations in your organization where you have to perform the same action for a set of records. Bulk actions in Bigin allows you to perform the action for the selected records from list view. For example, you might want to send the same welcome email to a set of fifteen Deals. In that case, you can simply select the records and send email, which will be sent to all the Deals individually. See More.

Add activities to a deal

Activities are the actions carried out by you, to successfully close a deal. It can be a phone call or a casual meeting. You can schedule that with a deal in your Bigin account. You can add Activities to a deal from the List view, Stage View or from the Deals details page.

Add Activities from List View

To add activities
  1. Hover over the deal to which you would like to add an activity.
  2. Click More > Log a call/Create a Task.

Add Activities from Stage View

To add activities
  1. Hover over the deal to which you would like to add an activity.
  2. Click More > Log a call/Create a Task.

Add activities from Deals Details page

To add activities
  1. Select the deal to which you would like to add an activity.
  2. Click the Activities tab.
  3. Click +Task/+Event/+Call and create the activity of your choice.
  4. Click Save.

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