Configure Social Profile

Configure Social Profile

Social media has completely changed the way we communicate, market, sell and offer customer service. This helps in getting an idea about what your prospects are looking for, what interests them, etc. as they take all their feedbacks and suggestions online. It will prove costly to miss out on those valuable inputs. That's why Social in Bigin has been introduced to ease this process. By integrating your Twitter account, you can see all the interactions from Bigin itself. Further, Signals gives you a heads up if someone mentions/tweets or sends a personal message. This helps you stay connected with the day to day responses from the social world.

Add your twitter profile in Bigin

To add twitter profile in Bigin
  1. Go to Setup > Social.
  2. Click Connect a Twitter Profile.

  3. Authorise your Twitter account by entering your username and password.
  4. Once your twitter is authenticated, you can add profiles to permission levels on Bigin.
  5. Click + Profile, enable the checkbox of the profiles you wish to add to the permission level and click Add

Disconnect twitter profile

To disconnect your twitter profile
  1. Go to Setup > Social.
  2. The connected twitter profile will be displayed.
  3. Click the  Delete icon and click Disconnect Twitter handle from the prompt.

Users with twitter connected in Zoho Social

If you already have your twitter handle connected in Zoho Social, you can simply import the same in Bigin. You need not perform the authorization again.
To import twitter profile from Zoho Social
  1. Go to Setup > Social.
  2. Click Import from Zoho Social.
    All the twitter profiles connected in Zoho Social will be displayed.
  3. Select the twitter profile you want to add in your Bigin account and click Import.
  4. Click + Profile, enable the checkbox of the profiles you wish to add to the permission level and click Add

Associate Twitter Profile

You can associate the twitter profile of your contact with your Bigin account and continue engaging from one place. Once your contact's twitter profile is associated, you can tweet, send DM (Direct Message) and view all the interactions from the record details page.
To associate a twitter profile to an user
  1. Go to the record's details page and click the twitter icon next to the record name. 
  2. A list of twitter profiles with the records name will be displayed.
  3. Select the appropriate twitter profile of the record and click Associate.
    Now the record's twitter profile can be accessed from the social tab in the record details page.

Dissociate a twitter profile

If you no longer wish to see the twitter interactions with your record in Bigin, you can dissociate them.
To dissociate a record's twitter profile
  1. Go to the record whose twitter profile you want to dissociate from Bigin.
  2. Click the Twitter icon next to the record name, and click Dissociate.


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