Comments help to create a feedback mechanism from a community of interested users. You can add comment boxes on the content page to provide relevant comments to your visitors. You can moderate the comments that your website receives to avoid spam.
1. Click the
Add [
] icon at the top-left corner of your builder. Select
Element from drop-down.
2. Click Apps from the drop-down.
The comment box will appear on your blog as follows:
You can only have one comment box per page.
1. Go to Site Settings > Preferences under Comment Box.
2. Under General Settings of Comment Box, select the Comments per Page value from the drop-down.
3. Enable or disable Email Notification depending on whether you want an email delivered when someone adds a comment.
4. Check Show Captcha for Spam Protection of your site.
5. Choose the following Moderation settings:
- Select Off to display all the comments on your blog without moderation.
- Select Automatic to enable automatic moderation of the comments.
- Select Manual to moderate each comment manually.
6. Choose the following Allowed Users options:
- Select All to allow all visitors to your site to add comments.
- Select Registered Users to allow only registered users to add comments.
1. Under Moderation, all the comments received via the comment box will be displayed here, along with the time, date, and the user name of the person who posted the comment.
2. Select the comment that you want to moderate. You can perform bulk actions on these comments.
3. Click on More Options (...) adjacent to each comment. You can mark a comment as Approve, Spam or Trash.
Moderated comments can be further marked as Inappropriate, Spam or Trash anytime. Comments awaiting action will be marked as Pending.