Codeless Bot Controls

Codeless Bot Controls

Drag and Drop

You can add new cards to the flow by choosing them from the block gallery or dragging and dropping them above the cardholder. 

Link attach and detach:

You can reuse an existing flow that you had created previously by simply dragging and dropping the card holder into that flow's card. If you want to modify the flow or add more options, you can break the flow by using detach link (✄) that will appear when hovering over the flow's link.

Auto arrange

If you have a cluttered board, you can use the Auto arrange feature to rearrange and organize your flow. 

Note : The positions of the cards will not be saved when you move them. The cards will be auto arranged when you open the codeless builder page each time.


As the flow grows, sometimes you will not be able to get a clear picture on your device’s available screen size. You can use the zoom option to get a full flow or magnify a particular flow in cases like these.


This control can be used to perform undo or redo any actions until the bot is restored/saved. 

Version History

  • You can view the version history inside the Codeless bot builder - that is the list of all the dates and times at which the bot was published on your website.
  • By clicking on a date inside the history section, you can roll back to the version that you want to.

Note : You cannot undo further after performing a rollback

Preview and publish

When you create your flow, you can check it in real-time using the bot preview option and then publish it upon completion.


  • Click on the eye icon on the bottom right corner of the bot building board
  • As you preview, the bot's current flow will be highlighted. 


Once the bot flow is complete, you can click on the Publish button on the top right corner to deploy the bot on your respective website (Brand). 

Note: You can publish the bots only if there are no more open links

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