Chat History

Chat History

Chat History 

You can access the archives of all activity from your live chat customer support operation by navigating to the Chats module on the left side of you SalesIQ dashboard. 

Benefits of Chat History:

  1. Chat history gives you a complete overview of your customer's profile and the conversation that he/she had with your operator.
  2. With chat history, you and your operators can learn about what each visitor's interests are and base the current conversation on those interests. This ensures continuity even if the operators who picked up the visitor's chat each time are different.
  3. You can keep track of missed chats and contact the visitor later on or send a follow-up email.
  4. You can look at the transcripts o chats that your operators had with your visitors in case any issue arises.

Exploring Your Chat History

  1. When you enter the view, you will see  chats from your Zoho SalesIQ, the most recent displayed at the top, and going back in time as you scroll down.
  2. Each section displays the name and e-mail address of the visitor who started the chat, their question, and the time they submitted the chat along with the agent that attended their live chat offline request.

Filtering Your Visitor's Chat History

  1. You can filter how you view the chats from the Filter drop-down menu at the top-right Filter the history by agent, status (closed, attended online, attended by e-mail address, or missed) department, embed or date. 
  2. You can view different categories of chats as well - Active, Missed, Reopened, Closed and Monitored chats. You can use filters for each of these categories and customize your view.


  1. Active chats: This category will contain a list of all the chats that are currently active/ongoing.
  2. Missed chats: This category will contain a list of all the chats that have been missed by operators so far.
  3. Reopened chats: This will contain the list of chats that were closed and then reopened for a follow-up or a new query.
  4. Closed chats: This will contain a list of all the completed chats
  5. Monitored chats: This will contain a list of all chats that were monitored by another operator(Administrators/Supervisors).

Viewing the Transcript of the Record

  1. To view the transcript of a particular record, click the record.
  2. In the transcript view you also have access through the icons at the top-right to the visitor’s information, and the notes section.
  3. If after reviewing the transcript you wish to send the visitor an e-mail, you can click the Send Email button, to bring up a compose message box where you can then send the message.

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