Can I trigger assignment rules for records that are created manually?

Can I trigger assignment rules for records that are created manually?

No, assignment rules cannot be triggered when records are created manually. They can only be triggered when records:
  1. Are imported directly to the Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Deals, Cases, Tasks, or any custom modules
  2. Enter any of those modules through webforms
  3. Enter CRM from third-party applications through APIs

Here's a quick guide on how to set up assignment rules.
  1. Go to Setup > Automation > Assignment Rules.
  2. Click Create Assignment Rules.
  3. In the Create Assignment Rule pop-up, choose the module and provide a rule name and description.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Assign the record to either Category or User matching certain conditions.
  6. In Would you like to check user availability before assigning? check Yes or No.
  7. In Followup Task, select Add Task, if required.
  8. Click Save Rule Entry.
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