Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor

What is Campaign Monitor?

Campaign Monitor is an online email marketing application that enables designers to create, send, manage and track branded emails for themselves and their clients with ease. 

Integrating Campaign Monitor with SalesIQ

How to identify website visitors name and email address referred from emails sent from Campaign Monitor

You can identify the website visitors from the Campaign Monitor campaign by adding the SalesIQ parameter mentioned below after the backlinks (which directs the customer to your website) in the campaign emails.
  1. ?siq_name=[firstname] [lastname]&siq_email=[email]

In case the URL contains the question mark (?) at its suffix then include the back link preceded by an ampersand (&) symbol.

  1. /index.php?module=Products&siq_name=[firstname] [lastname]&siq_email=[email]
If not, then include the back link preceded by the question mark (?) as shown below.

Also, ensure that you have embedded the SalesIQ code into your website source file to start tracking. Click here to know more about embedding the SalesIQ code.

How to categorize website visitors based on Campaign UTM variables?

  1. SalesIQ allows users to modify and set their conditions based on campaign UTM variables for prioritizing the visitors in their dashboard.
  2. In the Tracking console, click on the value under  "Visitors prioritized by". 
  3. Inside this section, you can choose the condition and criteria to categorize visitors by Campaign UTM variables.

How to initiate chat triggers based on Campaign UTM variables?

To automate proactive chat triggers, or to set up an action for your chat widget in the website conditions based on campaign UTM variables, do the following:
  1. Navigate to Settings > Automate > Triggers to set your required Campaign UTM filters.
  2. Select the required condition from the list, followed by setting up your criteria for your conditions.
  3. Enter a value for the set condition.
  4. Then, Select an action from the list followed by setting up your required time to trigger the action.

How to route visitors to the required users based on the Campaign UTM variables?

To route the tracked visitor to the specific agent and to personalize the visitor tracking according to your business needs, do the following:
  1. Navigate to Settings > Automate > Triggers to set your required Campaign UTM filters.
  2. Select the required condition from the list, followed by setting up your criteria for your conditions.
  3. Enter a value for the set condition.
  4. Add the agents name in the “Route to Operators” section by clicking on the names of the preferred operators.
  5. To remove the added agents, hover over the agents and click "x" symbol.

Is it possible to add click on chat button in my campaign emails?

Yes its possible, Zoho SalesIQ is well equipped that you can add a chat button in your campaign emails and get chats directed into your SalesIQ. To know more about Signature Chat, click here.

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