Click Buy Button under General.
Click Product to feature a product from your store on a website/blog.
Click Collection to feature an entire collection from your store.
Featuring a Collection using a Buy Button
The Customization column to the right side of the Create Buy Button page has the required settings.
Click the Change Product button to add a different product to feature.
Click the Show all product images toggle button to show all the images of a particular product.
Click the Show quantity field toggle button to show the quantity of the product near the Buy Button.
Click the Variant dropdown to choose the different variants available in the product.
The Product Price
The Product Variant
In this section, you can style your Buy Button with different colors, text sizes, fonts, etc.
Click Name to customize the text size, color, etc. of the Product Name.
Click Price to customize the text size, color, etc of the Product Price.
Click Variant to customize the text size, color, etc of the Product Variant.
Enable border-radius for the button allows you to add a border to the Buy Now button.
Enable border for product allows you to add a border to the product image.
Enable border-radius for product allows you to add a larger border around the product, its name, price, and the Buy Button.
Once you're done customizing the product and the Buy Button, it's time to get the code that you will place on your website. To do this:
Click Get Code at the bottom of the page.
A pop-up will appear on the screen with a HTML code.
Click Copy code to clipboard.
Note: Simply paste this code in the HTML section of any website, blog, or email. Your Buy Button is now active and ready to use.