Business Terms

Business Terms

Business Terms are a collection of similar jargon/terms used in different fields that conveys the same meaning. Adding more terms to the business terms module can train the answer bot to respond more accurately. Business terms can be best understood using an example. In SalesIQ, we have renamed the Website module as Brands, so if an old user asks "How to change website settings?" to the answer bot, it might not respond with the right article. But, if we associate the term 'Websites' with 'Brands' in business terms, the bot will fetch the "How to change brands settings?" article.


  • Whenever you define a bunch of business terms, the Answer bot gets trained with all the terms that are defined here, breaks down visitor queries, matches them with the available articles and FAQs.
  • They also make your bots more efficient and give them the ability to recognize visitors' queries and answer them irrespective of the term used. Thus, the accuracy of bot replies are increased. A rich collection of terms in business terms module will enhance your answer bot's accuracy.

How to add business terms?

To add business terms,
  • In the Zoho SalesIQ portal, navigate to Resources > Business Terms.
  • You will land on the business terms dashboard where all the different groups of business terms will be listed.
  • Click on the Add terms button on the top right corner of the screen.

  • Enter the group name.

  • Then, enter the different business terms that you want to define for that group. You can define up to 10 terms per group.
  • Once business terms are added, bot training starts automatically in 5 minutes and this can be seen on the top right end of the screen. So manual training of the bot is not required.

How to delete groups/business terms?

  • You can delete a business term by clicking on the 'X' icon next to each term. It is not possible to edit business terms.
  • You can also delete a group as a whole by clicking on the Delete icon at the right end of each record

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